Mormons and gender equality

I was talking to someone who is a mormon, their family is very religious. They also have pretty open gender roles. I always thought mormons (in general) had pretty rigid gender roles. Anyone who knows about this community wanna weigh in?

Answer #1

Well, to the answer above, not all Mormons starve their children unless those who are, have the wrong idea how to raise families and not reading their scriptures. If you starve someone, that’s fasting. Maybe this person was brought up in a family who are inactive and having problems. I’m Mormon and I don’t know anyone in the church to abuse children like that. This particular family, Hmm, they really need help. As far as roles and gender, it used to be the black men couldn’t hold Priesthood callings if you remember from History. Spensor W kimball finally allowed that to happen back in the early 80’s or something like that. I don’t think anymore gender roles have to do much with how the church views that but, I know women can’t do baptisms or other Priesthood duties in the church which isn’t bad at all for I wouldn’t want those callings. We’re not racist, and, since I’ve been a convert of the church since 2006, I don’t consider the religion a cult. Others might which I’ve heard that from other people, but, then, I shouldn’t get affended like I would so, I’ll keep my anger to myself. I love the Mormon church I belong too. The people are great and supportive. I don’t have anymore to say but, I think you brought up a good question.

Answer #2

Well, as a mormon I can say I also do not know of any family that would treat anyone that you friend was treated wayke. that is just wrong, and that family needs help. please know that in no way is that family following the teaching of our church in doing so. Also, Nero, please know that mormons do not practice polygamy. Anyone who does is either a member of a break-off group or will be ex-communicated. In the Church, while there are differences in roles and responsibilities, we are equal. It is true only men hold the priesthood, but only to be albe to perfom his responsibilities as a man, while the woman has responsibilities that the man cannot do as well. Leslie23 said it great, and we preach against any inequality.

Answer #3

I used to have a friend who had to live with mormons for about a year (friends of the family because her family wasn’t going too well) and these mormons were very very very very strict. If she didn’t eat lunch she couldn’t have dinner, she was losing countless amounts of weight being with them ,because if she “snuck” snacks in and ate them in her room, they’d punish her for it and make it so she couldn’t eat breakfast. I lost all respect for mormons from that. I know not all mormons are like that, but after hearing of them, then meeting countless other mormons who are very similar, I don’t concider mormon a religion anymore, I consider it more of a cult. Sorry if that offends anyone. The wife/mother of the family was veryyy ballsy too. Almost as if she was the dad, and the dad was the mom O_o. The dad barely ever got a word in, She was crazy! Oh, and I forgot to mension, the reason they starved their kids and stuff was because they said if they didn’t “They would be displeasing god and the mormon religion. Feh, just glad I’m not mormon :P

Answer #4

to wayke LDS mormons dont practice polygamy anymore FLDS (Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) practics polygamy still and LDS mormons are the only true real mormons

Answer #5

Well, as a mormon I can say I also do not know of any family that would treat anyone that you friend was treated wayke. that is just wrong, and that family needs help. please know that in no way is that family following the teaching of our church in doing so. Also, Nero, please know that mormons do not practice polygamy. Anyone who does is either a member of a break-off group or will be ex-communicated. In the Church, while there are differences in roles and responsibilities, we are equal. It is true only men hold the priesthood, but only to be albe to perfom his responsibilities as a man, while the woman has responsibilities that the man cannot do as well. Leslie23 said it great, and we preach against any inequality.

Answer #6

I don’t think being Mormon necessarily weighs in on how they determine roles for each other. In the same respect that some Mormons still practice polygamy while others don’t, I think some are more liberal with gender roles than others. It’s more dependent on how individuals are raised and taught.

Answer #7

scuse me I mean nero

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