Why do I cry all the time about my appearance?

people say im cute an fit but I cant se it I cry 24/7 I don’t no why please help

Answer #1

Once there was a girl , and she was extremely hideous. She had spent the last 3 years in the hospital going through operations to get rid of her uglyness.

Her final operation had been finished and she was waiting for her wounds to heal and begged her doctor to remove the bandages. After much ado , the doctor finally agreed, and to his disappointment the operation had been a failure, and the nurse yelled WHY IS SHE SO HIDEOUS!?!?

being so discouraged by her uglyness she ran off in the hospital and ran into another person who was just as ugly as she. The doctor found her as she was stupidified by this man who she suddenly fallen for. The doctor told her this was a man from a colony of people with her condition of uglyness, and the man told her she was able to live her life with people just like her and not be judged. And so she went…

But in reality, she was an attractive young lady. And the world’s definition of normality and beauty was all wrong.

And so they say, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Answer #2

That was from an episode of The Twilight Zone.

If you get the chance to watch it, you need to.

The way I see it, no one is more ugly or beautiful than anyone else. Dont waste your time worrying about your appearance. Instead, go out and have fun with friends. Thats what its all about, having fun!! :)

Answer #3

Your fine, trust me, I’m probably so much fatter than you. Besides, it doesn’t matter. Your friends and family love you because of the beauty on the inside, not on the out. Don’t go anorexic or anything. Loads of people die like that, and you’d just be proving that you don’t have the most beautiful quality of all; strength.

Answer #4

The majority of people have problems with their appearance because society is full of stereotypes and conformities. You need to learn that beauty is only skin-deep, and being attractive can also mean having a wonderful personality.

Everyone is beautiful, and everyone is ugly - it depends on the individual’s opinion. While some people would consider Angelina Jolie to be a beautiful woman, others would say she’s bug-eyed and unattractive.

Please don’t upset yourself over how you look. I’ve been through similar situations many times and I had to wake up to the fact that I am who I am, and to be honest, with the amount of beauty treatment these days we can all change a part of ourselves or enhance our features.

In my opinion, you are cute! And certainly not ugly. So please try and smile at your reflection next time you look in the mirror. :) Hope this helps, sweetie. x

Answer #5

Sorry im posting so many comments on this, haha. But everytime I post something I think of something else I wanted to say :)

I go see a therapist about 2ce a month, and I was talking to her about this exact same problem. I used to think I was fat and ugly and I would worry about what other people thought about me all the time.

but really, does it even matter?!?! When you think other people are unattractive, does it affect your life at all? do you really care? no, you dont.

My therapist told me to look at other girls my same age when I would go out places. Sure enough, I realized that there were MANY people that I thought were much fatter and much uglier than I was. And that boosted my confidence. Dont get too critical though haha. I think that a person is beautiful because of the way they think or the things that they do.

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