Does this paragrahy thing make sense?

“A long, long time ago, there was an ancient sea. Over millions of years the sea dried up, leaving a huge length of cliffs in it’s place! Humans named these cliffs The Niagara Escarpment, and today they are a very important part of our lives.”…It sounds wrong to me but I cant figure out what’s wrong with it xD

Answer #1

Well..”paragrahy” isn’t a word, lol….the paragraph does make sense, although there are some grammatical inconsistencies.

Answer #2

Thanks :) would you mind telling me what they are? >.< this project is worth like 10% of my mark, lol, and my teacher likes everything to be perfect -_-

Answer #3

A long, long time ago, there was an ancient sea. Over the course of millions of years, the sea dried up, leaving a vast length of cliff faces in its place. These cliffs were later named “The Niagara Escarpment” and have become a very important part of the human existence.

Answer #4

Thank you thank you thank you! You’re the best :)

Answer #5

Its sounds very…6th gradeish..try using more specific phrases

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