What are the normal prcedures when kids are taken away from there parents?

( it wasnt abuse they were just unable to keep a clean home.) Would she be placed in foster care? Any info on the subject would be a ton of help! I’m really worried about her I havent talked to her since. Please and thank you! :)

Answer #1

Yes, the children would be placed in foster care until the parents can prove that they are fit enough to have the children returned. The parents would have to go through court to request the children back.

Answer #2

in most cases it really depends on how unclean the home was…and if by any chance there was some sort of abuse…

violence isnt the only abuse kids are taken away from families…mental, verbal & emotional abuse is just as bad…being in a home where its dirty all the time & i mean really dirty as to rodents, really foul odor and such is emotional abuse…having to come home to a dirty smelly house is enough to cause teachers & school nurses to claim foul play in the home…call social services & then have them come over…if they even remotely suspect or have any evidence to suspect physical harm or abuse going on, on top of that dirty place they will remove the child from that home…its also called neglect! there are laws regarding neglect in the home as well!

I hope i came close to explaining a little about it…unfortunately i didnt fin law school, so I dont know much on abuse & have no kids, so I dont really know what they law refers to in those cases…might try looking it up on google or smth(something)

good luck!

Answer #3

You’re in the U.S., which means state laws will defer. I know in Florida removing children is really a last resort type of thing. I work with foster kids. Those kids have been either seriously abused, or the younger ones have been seriously neglected (i.e. they’re young and have been left at home alone or in a car for a significant amount of time on their own). A dirty home is not something they will usually remove the kids for. I’m not saying it isnt possible. It just isnt usual. Generally, the first thing they do, if a report of neglect has been called in, is to try and give the parent aid. So the case worker will go investigate. Try to help the parent out. If the parent does not comply with the recommendations, and things do not improve, and it is felt like the children are in harms way, then the state may remove the kids. They will first look for familial care. So family that would be willing to take the kids in. If that doesnt happen, they look for foster care. In the meanwhile, the parent is getting aid from social services, the judge would probably order parenting classes, they will have visits with the parents if the parent isnt suspected of some sort of serious abuse, they’d probably get some sort of individual and family counseling, etc. The goal is generally reunification, unless again the parent has been particularly abusive. It is very rare for a parent to lose kids just because they arent clean. Usually if there’s that level of filth and neglect, something else is going on with the parent. Like maybe substance abuse issues or other mental health issues. If that is the case, then treatment is ordered which tends to complicate things. It’s very hard to answer your question because each case is different, I’m not familiar with laws in your state. But these are general case scenarios. Things will be unpleasant for your friend, at least in the beginning. But they will calm down and get better after a while.

Answer #4

Thanks everyone! I’m still unable to find out the whole story but I think her Aunt is going to Foster her until this blows over……Thanks again :)

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