Can jalapeno cause ulcers?

I love to eat raw jalapenos wrapped with turkey and cheese, and a friend told me that doing this could cause ulcers. I have not really been able to find anything to support this, and do not think this is true. Am I right?

Answer #1

Yes if you eat alot of them.

Answer #2

Like I said, I have not found anything to support this, in fact on the web I have found post that say they can help prevent them. Where did you source your info?

Answer #3

I sourced this from, and if you see it says jalapenos prevent ulcers and many other things, is my friend wrong?

Jalapenos are a good source of vitamin C, folate and vitamin A. The reason why jalapenos are so spicy is because they have capsaicin, a chemical that gives it the hot edge. Capsaicin is very good for health. Jalapenos are great for weight loss. Because capsaicin is a thermongenic, a property that heats up your body by consuming energy, it burns your fat. This is also good for your heart. Jalapenos also control cholesterol.

Surprisingly, capsaicin is known and used to fight cancer. It is used to fight different kinds of stomach and colon cancers. It is noted that in countries that consume a lot of pepper and jalapenos, the rates of some kinds of cancer is low. Although it has not been proved that the low numbers are because of jalapeno intake, Chinese and Japanese scientists have noted a brief reduction in leukemic cells when capsaicin in present. A study has found that a goof quantity of capsaicin caused the capsaicin cells to freeze in the non-proliferative stage.

Another benefit from consuming jalapenos is pain relief. Capsaicin is found to be useful in working against substance p, a pain-carrying substance that’s abundant in Arthritis pain and headaches. Capsaicin also works as an anti-inflammatory. Because of it’s anti-inflammatory properties, it has been widely used in research involving intestinal disease. Research also has it that capsaicin might help in curing bowel problems.

Capsaicin also has healing properties. Along with that, it can also regulate your blood pressure. As mentioned before, it is great for the heart. It curbs your appetite and helps you lose weight. It stop blood clots as well. Capsaicin is found to have stopped ulcers. Although misunderstood over the years, Jalapeno peppers do not cause ulcers. Not only do they stop ulcers, but also kill bacteria and stimulates the cells of the stomach lining to secrete buffering, protective juices. Not only that, it increases the oxygen level in your blood.

Answer #4

Actually, doctors aren’t exactly sure what causes ulcers. There has been recent evidence that has linked them to bacteria called Helicobacter pylori that live in your stomach. Helicobacter pylori can be transmitted from person to person through contaminated food and water.

A lot of people believe that hot peppers (such as the Jalapeno) irritate the stomach and causes ulcers, but it’s just a myth. Jalapenos and other hot peppers (unless contaminated with helicobacter pylori) do not cause stomach ulcers, they actually heal them. This myth has been proven wrong by a lot of research. Researchers believe that capsaicin (The chemical in hot peppers that causes the burning, painful sensation) actually inhibits acid secretion and stimulates alkali and mucus secretions, as well as blood flow to the stomach lining…which can help in the prevention and healing of ulcers.

Source? My dad has ulcers, and has been to several doctors. Also, here is an article on why spicy food is good for you -

Answer #5

Thank you for your research in this, and I have found nothing to support that jalapenos cause ulcers, so I am going to keep on eating them.

Answer #6

No problem. The reason you haven’t found anything to support that Jalapenos cause ulcers, is because there is no evidence to support it…it’s just a myth. There is a lot of evidence supporting that they help prevent, and heal ulcers though.

Answer #7

Well that is what I thought, I just hate that have of everything I am told I have to research myself, to see how much of the info is right.

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