is it wrong to be gay?

Well I’m not gay but I have a question. . . If god doesn’t want people to be gay then why are they gay people? And if god forgives people for there sins why do people say gays are going to hell?

Answer #1

No its not wrong to be gay…You cant help who you love, love is not a gender. The people who say Gay people are going to hell are homophobic and they just need to mind their buisness. A gay person is a reegular person who is attracted to the same sex. Thats it, their’s nothing wrong with them.

Answer #2

People judge because they do not understand. I believe that God loves everything and everyone he created and since gay is not a choice God won’t banish them to hell. Most of the bible bashers that claim that gay people are going to perish are usually judging because they can never understand how those people can be so different from them.

Answer #3

* If god doesn’t want people to be gay

What makes you think there are any gods out there obsessing over what we do when we are naked?

Answer #4

As I said: Why would god put gays on hear if they where just to be condemned? If god is supposed to be the nicest and fairest person then he wouldn’t send people to a make believe place called Hell Just because they are aroused towards their own sex.

You don’t HAVE the choice. It is how you where made. I doubt many know the first thing about gays and BI’s. It is insulting.

Answer #5

I dont think thre is anything wrong with being gay.I think that people have their own rights

Answer #6

Personally I just don’t see it but If thats the way people choose to eb thats the way they are so what… The way I see it is you don’t like it don’t be it,…

Answer #7

cause how I see it there is no god…and gays arent evil, you shouldnt listen to those sorta people who say that stuff…

Answer #8

god and religion is a fantasy.

gays a genetically proven to be attracted to their own sex. its not wrong, its the way their genetics made them.

Answer #9

It’s not wrong. By you’re point of view: If god sent us to hell for liking the same sex the why did he create gays?

They are people from birth that have a tineyer pituitary gland. Thus, are in love with there own sex. It is not a problem.

Answer #10

no because being gay doesnt make you any less human and why? because if you beleive in the bible and god then your eventually going to be brainwashed by people who keep making up the “rules”

Answer #11

Personally I just don’t see it but If thats the way people choose to

…who said they’re CHOOSING?

Answer #12

well god doesnt exist so… you put the pieces together

Answer #13

Jester, Im Christian but I do believe its NOT wrong to be gay. Do not stereotype

Answer #14

Your questions “If god doesn’t want people to be gay then why are they gay people? And if god forgives people for there sins why do people say gays are going to hell?” are interesting.

God has done all He can to warn people that their sins will separate them from His presence. God even came to earth as Jesus to show us the way back to Himself. People choose to rebel against God because they have have a rebellious nature within/satan & demons without that appeal to the rebellious nature within/ and the world without that says gay is OK! God will punish all sin because He is perfect and Holy. Holiness cannot tolerate sin. So God made a way of redemption of people thru God the Son - Jesus. People think God’s way is either false/fake/too narrow/too restrictive. What God said is sin is a warning to keep us from heartache/pain/sin/diseases/consequences/bondage/etc. Think about it: some say looking at porn is OK. Truth be told porn puts images into the mind and fuels lusts. Often people want to go from looking at porn to actual participation in it with threesomes/prostitutes/bi-sexual experiences/etc. Many wives have seen the immoral changes in their once private bedroom once porn enters their husbands life.

Gays, like all other people who live a lifestyle of sin, will reject God and choose hell on their own. God just gives people what they choose. Those that do know God thru Christ may struggle with the gay lifestyle but God knows their heart and He will be the perfect judge in the end. Although they should seek God diligently and lovingly to be strengthened to resist the gay lifestyle. Those who don’t care to change will do so at their own peril.

Sinning is not true freedom as some believe. Sin equals bondage because the participant becomes the one controlled and used by the very thing they seek. Read that again and think about what’s said here.

Jesus said “who the Son has made free is free indeed!” Choose life and that more abundant.

Answer #15

Has anyone noticed that anyone who speaks contrary to the gay lifestyle gets ridiculed beyond measure? The people of the world have been duped into immoral sleep with anything goes shall be the whole of their law.

First off, God does exist but people want to deny His existence or they change God to be “user friendly.” Sorry, but your foolish disbelief does not make God magically disappear. Nor does saying God made gays or He winks at gays gonna hold true in the end.

Being gay is really ones choice and it’s reinforced by ones fallen nature that likes to do what’s wrong. Being gay is also reinforced by the world system who tells them they were born that way and it’s OK. Lastly, gays are influenced by the “god of this world” who is satan and his demons who put thoughts of deception into their minds to fuel them into same sex lust and the quest for acceptance instead of change.

Having sex with the same sex is a sin and it’s full of consequences. Having sex with the opposite sex outside of marriage is a sin too. All sin has consequences but the gay lifestyle (male on males in particular) has greatly detrimental consequences. This is because the introduction of protein into the anus/rectum causes numerous diseases. Plus the anus is only three cell layers thick. While the females vagina walls are over thirty cell layers thick. Therefore the vagina was created for the entrance of the male penis but the anus was never meant for penetration.

Even the enzymes in human saliva will repel from other same sex saliva.

Gays cannot procreate and their unions are not natural. They can scream all they want for acceptance/legalization/equal rights/etc but it will never remove the fact that they are living a dangerous lifestyle. Some gays know deep within that they are living in sin, but the community/world/friends/media/etc continually tells them to embrace their gay lifestyle.

I particularly think it was a slick move of twisted men and satan to somehow lump being gay in with being a minority and therefore get included in the civil rights process. This is a slap in the face to all races of minorities who have struggled for reasons outside their control (mainly the color of their skin).

Gays say they were born that way because they don’t wanna change. As they persist in their gay lifestyles, they grow more & more staunch and less likely to seek change. Gays can change but it requires a heart transplant. This heart transplant is done when they lay their gay desires before the cross of Christ and truly seek God’s power to get out of this trap of sin. Exodus International has helped thousands of gays renounce this death lifestyle and achieve normal lives.

Answer #16

So the dumbing down of America has taken root…Since when do we base such important decisions of life on a show? Most people jump on the “gay-is-OK” bandwagon without really knowing the facts about what harm the homosexual lifestyle can bring.

1st off, male on male gay sex is one of the most filthy ways to have sex. It really isn’t natural in anyway nor is it truly satisfying to those individuals involved. This is why male gays have the highest rate of promiscuity of all. They will frequently have sex in park restrooms and at gay parties with strangers & without much conversation in many cases. Their sexual expressions are not satisfying because they are not natural or normal. They never will be natural or normal and that’s why gays want to be accepted via changed marriage laws, etc.

The law of a one man and one woman marriage will never change no matter how loud gays scream nor how many laws they get passed. Because God set these very laws of marriage into motion, man and women are powerless to change the guilt and shame of their sinful acts. Laws can never change ones conscience nor God’s conviction.

2nd women on women sex is not satisfying as male on female sex. Therefore many lesbians resort to using sex tools to mimic the male sex organ. This in itself should show them the depravity of their acts. But alas they persist in their confused lifestyles often unaware of the fate that awaits them. Many mistakenly believe that lesbians are disease free, but in reality lesbians have a high degree of oral diseases (herpes) and numerous sinus disorders.

Lastly, gays can and do change when they realize they are living wrong and seek to be pulled out of the mud of their lifestyles. This can be done by renouncing the gay lifestyle and trusting Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of ones sins. God will give them the power thru His Holy Spirit to defeat the sin within by empowering gays to truly become x-gays. I have friends who have done just that!

Answer #17

No its not wrong to be gay. God doesn’t exist. Its 1 of the many things that don’t make since in the bible and Christianity. Gay being a sin was created by a group of homophobic up tight morons.

You’ll notice that its always the straight homophobic people that say homosexuality is a choice. Which would be better to ask? a person who fears “gays” and tells them they are going to hell or someone who has lived and expirencesed the gay culture first hand and is gay? Its only rational.

Look if I was gay I would let religious nonsense keep me from finding what make me happy in life or how to live my life. Why hang on to a culture that hates you for who you are.

P.S. I know your not gay however I was speaking in generalities.

Answer #18

I don’t care who people fall in love with, But to give you a example of things that do bug me. You can only control what your child hears on the news, tV, conversation inside of your own house. However once they are in daycare, school, sports, you can’t control what people say around them or too them, So with that being said

I do have a problem with my neice asking my brother to have a child because there was a “guy” who had a baby. I don’t like trying to explain to a child the relationship between these two women and the child they had. Just to much at her age. As much as I say it does not bother me and I work with people who are gay and I hang out with them. I don’t agree with it. I do think it is wrong. But not enough to “hate” over it. Or disown my own child.

Answer #19

If christians stuck by what God and jesus said ‘love thy neighbor as you love you self’ then you wouldn’t have gay people being abused. I think most people take there anger out on Gay people because they don’t understand it, they becuase that persons different he can’t be treated equally.

I personally am not a fan of the christian religion because they are never true to there religion anyone that threatens them the rule suddenly changes, but don’t take me wrong I have many christian friends one of which is my best friend, I just sometimes don’t approve of there methods.

I have never had trouble accepting Gay people they are not different from you or I.

Blessed Be Nala

Answer #20

harleyrider, the person who had the baby was a transgender person, so you seem to be confusing your terms between gay and transgender

however, it really is too bad you’re uncomfortable with other people, do you think your discomfort should be enough to stop people being who they are? should people just hide away because it makes others uncomfortable? Sex itself is perhaps not something you want to get into detail with a child, so why should this be any different in this case…

Answer #21

Leevan: then obviously your not homophobic, I wasn’t then referring to you. Its not just the christian religion that is homophobic. (The religion, not necessarily all its members).

And aging I agree with toadaly. Its amazing how much an all powerful and all knowing God micro-mannages.

Answer #22

it is not wrong to be gay

the body hormons change when you grow up and the outcome does not matter what sexuilty you come out as

in the god eyes of view in the bible it says that he will love anyone and care and forgive what ever sins they have comminted on the pardon that you will be good

so it is not wrong at all but if people say gays are going to hell well you respect them and that is there apinoun and everybody has differnat thoughts in life

Answer #23

because ever1 has the wright to choose what the want & want to be:) people say so as gayness is a sin just like any other sins..muder,stilling,liting… however, even gay people ve the chance 2 ask 4 forgiveness 2god and choose to change them selves, JUST LIKE EVERONE DOES:). GOD BLESS

Answer #24

Toadly: Gay is not like They have sex and that’s their prime enjoyment.

Gays usually form a bond with each other and it is more stable the heterosexual is.

Some wait a long time after they are married to even engage in anything that resembles sex.

Answer #25

Umbe, WTF?? change themselves? it’s not a choice. thats like saying you choose to be human. or you choose to be hetero. it’s just how some people are. it doesnt affect personality, decency, or anything else but who they are attracted to. personally, I am hetero and love my boyfriend. so why would I want to deny someone the right to be with who they love? that would SUCK. God, if he/she/it exists, doesn’t give a damn. be who you are, everyone else can go to hell.

laydeekay, no, it isn;t at all wrong to be gay.

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