What do I do ...she doesnt remmeber its my fault?

My grandma has had alzheimers since I was four I am now 13 and since she got it, it has prgressed slowly well this year she forgot who I was compleatly my grandma was the woman I looked up to she is gone now and it is my fault that she doesnt remember me I went to see her less and less as she progressed how do I get over the fact of knowing it is my fault she doesnt know my name?

Answer #1

I work with disabled men and one of them was diagnosed a year and a half ago with Alzheimer’s. It progresses at different speeds with everyone but its a very disturbing thing to witness.

It is not, however, anyone’s fault.

It wouldnt have mattered if you went every single day. She would have still forgotten you.

This guy I work with, he called one of my staff into his room the other day to show her his new tv. Went on and on about it. Except his tv isnt new. He has had it at least 2 years or more.

This past weekend we took him for a home visit and he walked in, spoke to his brother, walked out and told my staff no one was home.

Its emotionally painful, its frustrating, its infuriating, its sad.

But again…its no one’s fault.

Go and visit. She might remember you. They have good and bad days. If not, it wont matter if SHE remembers YOU. You know her and thats all that matters.

Answer #2

its not your fault alzheimers gets worse as time goes on eventually a person with it can forget the faces names of people they love and even who the person they love is there isnt anything you could have done from stopping her forget there is no cure for the disease, only ways to make it progress slower you can still visit her, go along with someone she still remembers, tell her your name and that your her daughters daughter maybe show her photos of the two of you and talk to her about the things you did together and important memories or if she gave you something important like jewlerey, or you gave her something show it to her and see if she remmebers anything just to see if she might remember you a bit if not, visit her anyway, she might not remember you but you can still be there for her and show your love and support sorry there isnt anything more I can offer, all I can say is that it wasnt your fault

Answer #3

It’s not your fault my grandma has altimzers and forgot that me and my brother wer her grandchilden I just explained to her that we are because I love her so you ahold just keep reminding her because you love her

Answer #4

Its not your fault! Just go and see her more often and let her get to Re-know you! please dont be down on your self…just love her, she needs love and help now.. go and see her more often!

Good Luck! x x x

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