How can I get my daughter under control?

Have a 2 year old girl. How can I get her under control. We spank her, put her in her room, we put her in corner.. Nothing works unless she gets her way…HELP

Answer #1

HAHA tpossumz! “break out tha belt” rofl! Thats how my parents did me, and I turned out fine! haha

Answer #2

I agree..take away their favorite toy…usually works on my 2 yr. old…for like 15 minutes…then he goes back to being a holy terror. got to love parenthood.

Answer #3

The main thing is not to let them get their way… remove yourself from the room if you want to laugh or are wound up and angry. Dont let her win but offer something different afterwards like a drink . when her Dad gets home he should make sure she is told how naughty it is to throw tantrums by him as well. When she shares things and plays nicely or shows consideration praise her and teach her what is bad by making sure there are consequences like not having sweets for a period of time or no TV. Dont get sucked into her reasons or excuses , see each telling off through to the end without scaring her or smacking her.

Answer #4

ok… talking to the kid like she’s an adult isnt likely to help, she isnt an adult and you cant reason with her (look up lower brain, toddlers and impulses) first of all you cant give in… every time you give in to her tantrums she learns that as long as she keeps it up long enough she will get what she wants = positive reinforcement try praising her when she is doing good, my professor calls it “catching them when they’re being good” so positively reinforcing the good behavior may infact stop the bad behaviors… these are options…

Answer #5

Spanking doesn’t solve anything - Take something away for her that she really likes, eliminate her best interests.

Answer #6

oh no the terrible 2s. I’ve seen this 2 many times I agree with stephani punish her by taking the things she really likes.

Answer #7

I think its time to break out tha belt, mabe let her sweat it out in the closet for a couple hours lol just kidding just kidding but seriously the belt then she’ll know who the boss is.

Answer #8

get down to her level and talk to her like a grown up. I have watch Nanny 911. but no for real when you get down to there level and look them in the eyes and don’t yell it works, and make it seem like she is getting choices, like she is still deciding what is going on even though she is not

Answer #9

put her in her playpen or somewhere safe and leave the room. In child psych they teach that kids throw temper tantrums as a form of communication. If you leave the room, thereby eliminating her audience, she will stop shortly thereafter at which time you can re-enter the room and calmly address her problem, always encouraging her to use her words. if she uses anything other than words to communicate, you can say “I don’t understand that, can you please use your words. And by all means, have patience. If you feel like you are going to lose it, take a deep breath and remember this is only a stage and a normal one.

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