How can I control my wild daughter?

Yikes! My 15-year old daughter is totally wild. This kid is fearless! She refuses to go to school (does it online now), totally refuses to help around the house and when she does, it’s as minimal as possible, refuses curfew, stays gone for days at a time, cusses and screams at me and calls me names, is totally beligerent if I refuse her money for cigarettes or pot, lies all the time and hates every single body except for her small group of friends. She’s a 2-time runaway (once 3 states away) and has been arrested for driving w/o a licence. She sleeps all day and runs around all night. If you try to wake her up during daylight, she creates such chaos that you can’t stand it. I work at night and she’ll wake up right after I leave to work and she’ll leave out the door and I won’t see her for days. She’s a partying fool and I know she’s going to end up hurting herself or someone else. There is no free boot-camp and the law is so lenient because they are overrun with kids like this. Parents these days have all the responsibility but NO authority. If I raise my voice at her, she’ll sneeringly say “Do I detect a child abuse case here?” I want to beat the crap out of her but I do not want to go to jail. She tries to get me to hit her so she can call the law. Help!! I’m a single parent and I keep her a nice place to live in a nice area. She never starves and she has her own bedroom and bathroom. It’s not like I’m a slack mother. She’s just terrible to me.

Answer #1

Dear nowlqqkhere, Contact children protective services in your area. They are there to help you and can give you advice as to what services are available in your area. They may have her go to rehab, look at a possible foster home who has qualified people who deal with this. You are not alone and there is help out there for you. Your daughter displays this behaviour because she is getting something out of it…probably your attention. It takes two to argue and if you choose to walk away. If she breaks curfew call the police. If she is doing drugs put her in rehab, if she is abusive by putting her hands on anyone when angry call the police…this is a must. Our threats do no good but our actions say we mean business. You can’t change what she does but you can change what you do and how you handle what she does. Sue…good luck

Answer #2

rehab or something although that doesn’t work always.tell the police to do something. IF u love her u will not give in and do something mean or so. I’m don’t consider myself a dadys girls or somehting but compared to her i’m like the best kid.

Answer #3

Well i am a kid and i have fone kinda bad at once buh u noe ma mom hit me a few times and put me into place buh idk i think u should really straighten her up like daz crazy how she acts maybe u should call like a child place around your town or something better yet u should one of your friends for help

Answer #4

OMG i sense this is an American attitude…the whole bootcamp thing. Or maybe I’m just way out of touch. I Left home at 15 when y dad kicked me out because of my unruly behaviour. I never understood how he could do that. This is your daughter, your blood. Maybe think about WHY she is behaving like this, SOMETHING is obviously bothering her. Instead of thinking how it’s affecting you, think how she feels, my guess is this isn’t fun and games for her.

Answer #5

im 17, and i was just like you daughter, its scary. i live in ca, and i ran away with my friend to texas, where her dad lives. i rly would just let her go. if u put her in a camp or something, she WILL hate you for the rest of your life. after i ran away, my mom sent me to juvie. i moved out after i got back, and i have never talked to her since. no matter what you do, shes gonna act lyk this, just dont trip. if she hurts other ppl, then she known wat will happen to her. these consiquences hav been carved in our minds since we were about 7. just chill. i moved once when i was 14 because i was being so bad, and that helped a little.

Answer #6

MY GOD… I’m f-ing 15 and i’m like the toally opiset of that i’ma nice sweet a i love my parents… My god.. you should put her butt in rehab or somthing Drugs are so not cool. If my child if i have childrend later on acted like that i would send them away.. gezzz what kinda of person can hurt there own mother??? I love my mom I never fight with her or yell at her… why arent other people like me??? you should love your family..

Answer #7

Thanks for all your responses! I have checked around for help. I’ve been screaming for help ever since I watched this metamorphis in her. All the agencies are expensive, the free ones are full and the help that is left is a joke. She has to go to court at the end of this month so I’m hoping the judge will reconize a real problem and will try to put her somewhere where she can get help. I’m fear that the crap she is pulling now will have serious consequences on the rest of her life. Of course when I try to tell her this…I’m told that I’m stupid and I don’t know crap and blah, blah, blah. I’m done pulling my hair out. I do love her so very much but she is ridiculously hard headed and will just have to learn things the hard way…if she even manages to survive. She’s been gone for about 6 days and nights now. She’ll call me and leave a message but block the number so I can’t call back. She dropped in to where I work so I would give her money. Pretty smart of her because she knew I wouldn’t refuse her in front of everyone…she didn’t ask for alot and it would have made me look like a crappy Mom. AAARGH!!! Time will tell and I sure hope she grows out of this before it kills her.

Answer #8

Let me start off by saying, that if you call CPS, they will take your daughter and pump her full of meds that you won’t even know your little girl anymore, they aren’t there to help you or daughter maam, believe me. I don’t want to sound like the bad guy here, but it seems that this behaviour didn’t happen over night or short time ago. More parentage, take her things away, take her time away, tell her friends they aren’t wanted there, show your daughter whose in charge of your household, take out restraining orders on her friends, change your phone number, take out the phone completely and get yourself a cell phone. Take her cell phone away, or have it shut down. and tell her all the things that were taken have to be earned back a little at time, don’t give into her antics, if she says something to you just merely say, “Then thats just something that I will have to deal with.” say it calmly and collectively, don’t give her an ounce of little flicker of fire to feed off of. Tell her friends even their parents too that next time and each time you will be pressing charges of harboring a run away if your daughter is caught at their home. Be sure to tell your daughter that you love her, get out her old baby pictures start making a scrap book for her, do the little things to show her that you still care and love her. And if she doesn’t return that evening that very day, she is considered a runaway and she should be reported as so otherwise maam, one day she’s not going to be just a runaway, but another kidnapped and murdered young teen in the media.

Answer #9

Holy sh!t. That’s not even something to laugh at. That girl has really done wrong. She should respect you with everything she has based on her life. You need to get the black guy of of maury.. the one whos a huge a-hole and give her a piece of her medicine. Or you should go the complete oppisite thing. and kick her as out. And tell her that if she’s going to be what she is. Her as is out. Screw her. I know you love her and all. But You honestly do not deserve that. SO she doesn’t deserve to live in your household. It’ll be tough. but she’ll learn something out of it.

Answer #10

I mouth off the mom and stuff, but never like that, I would never do drugs, smoke or anything like that. My mom is always telling me how proud she is of me and how she dosnt want me to turn out like her. Me and my brother are in C.F.S and we are all going to be out this December :) so im happy about that

Answer #11


Answer #12


Answer #13


Answer #14

kick her out and tell her bad not to let her in his home then she will straten out and come back

Answer #15

dont give her money she could be like buying drugs or doing something wrong DONT PLZ

Answer #16

hire a proffesional

Answer #17

omg… i just fell like grabbing your daughter and beating the crap out of her! IM 15 and i never mouth off too my mom and i help clean house and everything. but shes playing you like a fool. just because you yell at her doesnt mean its an abusive case. and i would sign her up for the army or lock her in her room bolt the door shut board up the windows and just give her food and water. teach her a lesson. my mom tells me if i ever mouth off or do something really bad ill be piing my teeth up in the corner… but i dont blame her i would knock my own teeth out. And shes gonna go out and do something wrong like steal or somethin and your the one thats gonna end up in jail. so why wait kick her @ss! i would!!! GOOD LUCK

Answer #18

Holy sh!t. That’s not even something to laugh at. That girl has really done wrong. She should respect you with everything she has based on her life. You need to get the black guy of of maury.. the one whos a huge a-hole and give her a piece of her medicine. Or you should go the complete oppisite thing. and kick her as out. And tell her that if she’s going to be what she is. Her as is out. Screw her. I know you love her and all. But You honestly do not deserve that. SO she doesn’t deserve to live in your household. It’ll be tough. but she’ll learn something out of it.

Answer #19

Hi I really can sympathize with you. My daughter is 15 and she started this same kind of behavior. I totally just cut her off financially. If she is going to treat me like a dog, I will feed her and provide her with a place to live, but out went the cell phone and any extra money whatsoever. She doesn’t get any new clothes if she can’t talk to me with respect. She gets absolutely nothing. It works for me. She went into such rages about it for awhile but I just pretended she wasn’t even in the room. I know you love your daughter and it hurts for her to be this way. Especially since your a single mom. You, like me, have probably sacrificed a lot for this child. I don’t understand why they don’t see that. It sounds to me like if you follow my advice, she’ll just run away. But you know your daughter better than I do. I just wanted to let you know what worked for me. I provide a bologna sandwich and milk 3 times a day and a place to live. If she can’t appreciate me, thats all I provide. When she behaves, she gets 3 cooked meals, trips to the movies with her friends, etc. Oh, and those friends, they probably treat their parents the same way, you might try asking them for advice too.

Answer #20

two words— boot camp

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