how can I stick to it???!!!

I’m 14 and weigh 10st 4Ibs.I know I’m overweight and I’m trying had to lose it but someday I eat 600 a day and someday I’ll eat like 2500 because I know I have to do it but I can’t sticck to it. my family eats loads of crisps biscuits bacon sandwiches and I usually eat what they eat so I can’t get out of eating it. about 2 weeks ago I lost 3ibs in a week then put it back on in 5 days! is there any ways that are going to make me stick to it! I want to be at least a size 8 before summer so like june time and 8st so like 2 stone in 4 months???possible

Answer #1

You sound a lot like me!! Why not try joining a gym or do your favourite sport every week. I recomend to cut out chocolate completly and instead stuff yourself with grapes and any other fruits! Get a family member to help you and keep a diary of what your eating. I hoped I helped!

Answer #2

talk to your family and ask if they will rat healthy foods with you . that way your not so tempted to eat junk food ask them if you can go shopping for salads fruits and veggies. that what I did I now weigh 130 I did weigh 140 before I talked my family about it. Good Luck!!

Answer #3

yes I understand, I cant stick to my diet too and im supper overweight what I did to lose 10lbs. was to run everday for 30mins for like 2 months and ate, cereal in the mornings, just one bowl ok no more than that then for lunch I ate a chicken salad then for dinner I had anything my mom cooked, like chicken or fish and I grilled or bake only no fry foods or junk foods or sodas I only drank water…that did help but I still need to lose more and its hard, I cant lose no more

Answer #4

go to a doctor and get them to calculate your bmi (body mass index) for your height and weight he/she will be able to tell you what weight range your in (underweight, healthy, overweight, obese) and were you should be if your not already there first off, 600 calories a day is beyond staring yourself, 1000 calories a day is the minumin amount that your body really needs to survive, any lower and your starving yourself do see a doctor and talk about your weight to him, because at your age its not normal to be doing thatr and no everyone can be a size 8, whats normal for some people isnt nesecerilly normal for you

Answer #5

try using jenny craig.

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