How can I lose 40 pounds before July 4th


       Im 17 and I weigh 178 (supposedly). I am 5 feet and I wear a size 12. I've been exercising since I got out of school for the summer. I would like to know what can I do so that I can loose at least 40 pounds and drop at least tow pants sizes by the 4th of July.

Answer #1

Which body part are you willing to have surgically removed? That’s the only way you can lose 40 pounds in such a short time and still remain “healthy”.

You have a BMI of 34.19. You may want to try the south beach diet.

BMI is between 30-34.99 (Obese Class 1) Individuals with a BMI of 30-34.99 are in a physically unhealthy condition, which puts them at risk for serious ilnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, gall bladder disease, and some cancers. This holds especially true if you have a larger than recommended Waist Size. These persons would benefit greatly by modifying their lifestyle. Ideally, see your doctor and consider reducing your weight by 5-10 percent. Such a weight reduction will result in considerable health improvements.

“What should a minimum calorie intake be?”

As a guide to minimum calorie intake, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends that calorie levels never drop below 1200 calories per day for women or 1800 calories per day for men. Even these calorie levels are quite low.

  “How can I Lose 1 pound of body weight per week?”

  One pound of body fat is equal to about 3500 calories. So to lose 1 pound of weight per week, you need to eat 500 calories/day LESS than you burn.

But it’s not a good idea to lose weight simply by cutting calories. As well as decreasing calories you should increase your daily physical exercise. This helps to burn calories and build more lean tissue which in turn burns more calories.

Answer #2

their are a lot of things you can do…probly can find a lot of ways online,what you have to do prepare yourself to be committed to losing weight,make it a priority,over the summer,find a program that works for you,and what I mean by that is develope a routine that suits you,go into it feeling confident you can lose the weight,really believe in your self,mind preparation is half the battle…ok ill suggest some simple things that have worked for me…but do some online research,also… lots of water..8-10 glasses..drink them at room temp its easier… pick a day of the week to not eat anything,make it the same day every week.. try to only eat meat once a week… eat break fast,lunch,and dinner,as usual,but eat smaller portions,try using a smaller plate when you serve yourself,and snack in between meals,with fruts an veggies…have dinner before 5pm…and nothin else accept water,try having drunk your glasses of water bfore 9pm… and start jogging,every other want to get a good sweat going,I suggest you put a plastic bag on under your sweater…dont worry jog erly in the morning no will hear the bag scrunching… OK THESE HAVE WORKED FOR ME WHEN I’ve WANTED TO LOSE WEIGHT FAST BUT LIKE I SAID NO MATTER WHAT TYPE OF DIET ROUTINE YOU TAKE ON…PREPARE YOURSELF MENTALLY TO SEE IT THROUGH… YOU CAN DO IT JUST GET UP AND GET STARTED…PEACE

Answer #3

Hollywood Miracle diet. Lose up to 10 lbs in 2 days.

Answer #4

Well! I have tried many diets but they never seemed to work. What does work though is water! our bodies are 70% water and 30% solid, what most of us get pattened to do is eat 70% and only drink 30%! and the 30 we drink seems to be in tea’s, coffee’s fizzy pop etc so we are only gettiong a fraction of the water we need.

This coupled with doubling your heart rate 3 or 4 times a day will make you lose weight. Doubling your heart rate gets your metatabloism going burning more fat! it really works well! HAVING BREAKFAST IS A MUST ALSO

Do that and you will lose all the excess fat you are carrying. For more infomation email me and I will send you the link for the website I put together if anyone would like further info please feel free to ask


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