How do I tell my mum...

How do I tell my mum that I’m emo? I wear all black clothing, listen to emo bands, wear tons of eyeliner, cut my wrists and hide my face but then she call’s me Goth! It’s bugging me, ithink my brother knows and I want to tell my mum before he does.

Answer #1

wow you really labelled yourself I really dislike using labels but yer if thats your definitin of ‘emo’ then hell yer I just passed the test, yet the the thing is I elf harmed for years but no one ever knew, it became a part of me, my means of survival, it wasnt part of a label, you are stereotyping “emo” as person who cuts there wrist, you dont need to inflict harm apun yourself to come accross as emo in todays society. I think if you explain to your mum what scene is instead of emo just say your scene, and make out its totally something heaps different to emo, so she you dont relate it to emo and she might think it anothrthing then, even though very simular. and hey if you wear heaps and heaps of pretty bracelets people would just think you do, a least you dont get caught up in a fuckin massive other issue. at least your avoiding that confrontation by your perantsand relatives as to why you always need bandaids and bandages on your wrists. please if you have the will to stop stop while you can cause trust me if somone thinks less of you for not cutting then they dont desrve to be near you. we are all human, we all cope our different ways but trust me tell you mum your scene not goththen explain what scene is and tell your bro to fuck off xD xx have a nice week x

Answer #2

ok, 1) stop cutting.. its f*in stupid and you could get 5150 called on you 4 it.. I did.. 2) who cares what they call u?? im scene and my bro calles me goth and my sis calles me emo.. I just dont let it bother me..

Answer #3

y is every answer on this page trying to solve every prob EXCEPT the one your concerned about? o well according to many people im goth or emo or wutevr. I don’t realy enjoy labels at least your mum even considers you goth mine thinks im going thro a faze either be upfront about it and tell her or just let her thnk what she thnks

Answer #4

a. cutting yourself just means you have a mental disorder. not that you are emo b. stop cutting yourself and find better ways to cope c. find a healthier expression of self

Answer #5

your a goth stupid. Emo Is Emotional just because you cut doesnt make you emo. Your style is goth. I Used To cut and I wear regular clothes then I moved on to better things. no offense to anyone whos truley emo but to you Get over yourself.

Answer #6

Ok man I’m goth and had the same problem just tell her “Mom I’m emo” if she dosen’t know what that is tell her its “A way to deal with problems” if not and she knows what it is I don’t know man

Answer #7

You’re a pathetic poser by labeling yourself and doing all these things. Why would you tell your mom? What a stupid thing to talk about. Start acting like a normal kid.

Answer #8

um, sorry if this is a dumb question but I a dumb person so I gonna ask it anyway and I am sorry if this offends you but what is the difference between goth and emo?

Answer #9

Because I want them to know that im not Goth and I don’t want my brother saying my secrets and I want to have a snake bite piercing or at least a tattoo

Answer #10

Yeah but 1 my mum thinks emo is a haircut 2 I explained to my dad what an emo is and I didnt say I was 3 my brother is trying to make me the family freak not help me.

Answer #11

just if she mentions the fact your a gosh just say no im an emo and ask your brother to back you up.. she probably doesnt understand

Answer #12

Do goths even still exist? I miss them…Emo seems to have taken over.

Answer #13

Goth are dark and never date. Emo is where you really hate life, and do self harm e.g cut your wrist.

Answer #14

why do they have to know?

Answer #15

You could start by not labeling yourself as emo. You have your own personality and style, and your mom should accept that

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