don't understand some parts of catholic religion

ok im not dissing Catholics because christian and Catholics are similar in many ways but, I don’t get why you confess your wrong doings to some guy in a booth? I mean you should confess to god directly, cause at the end of the day, that father or guy in the booth is going to go home to his wife and say “I swear some guy today came in and said he killed a guy for sleeping with his wife, he sounded and looked mental”

give your thoughts below and btw don’t call me names for saying this, not trying to criticize

Answer #1

christians took out a lot of books of the bible because “they didnt like them”

…which ones?

Answer #2

it has to be written, or else it wouldn’t be in a book now would it?

Answer #3

Ok captain assassin you actually cleared that for me, using that comparison, thx

Answer #4

uhm priests dont get married… and they take an oath not to reveal anything anyone says in confession… even a court cant make them talk… maybe you should actually do a little research…

Answer #5

Agree wityh the above - it’s a good idea to find out a little more before asking questions that can seem provocative.

By the way, a Catholic priest is held to be specially ‘linked’ with God, not just through his long training, but specifically through the rite of ordination, above and beyond lay people. That is why priests perform important rituals like Communion/Eucharist and Confession.

Answer #6

The priests may take an oath of confidentiality, but do they keep it? I have a feeling that a lot of them don’t. at least I thought that while going to a Catholic High School, I never went to confession because I thought…why in the world am I confessing to some guy. He’s Not Jesus! Some kid may have been like, “Father…I put super glue on Miss Jones’ chair, and when she sat down…she got stuck. And then she tried to stand up and her skirt ripped off! All the guys were like…Nice thong teach! And I laughed and laughed!” If something like that happened you think the priest would keep it to himself? He might, but he also would be like…man..wish I was there!

Answer #7

In the bible, Jesus said to his apostle, “ All sinners that you forgive, will also forgiven by the father.” Jesus pass the authority to his apostle, In catholic, the apostle are the servant of god, followed by pope, and next is the priest.The same with confession, the authority given to the 12 apostle, passed to the pope, and pass to the priest..

Answer #8

That’s just interesting I am going to have to look more into the verses italianabella567

Answer #9

it was translated into all langauges from hebrew translating it, its being changed… besides, the issue lies with using the term ‘original bible’ being ‘written’

The Bible was NOT written… it is a canon: A compilation of scriptures that were written separately. Be they inspired BY God, or just ABOUT God, the scriptures were memorized by men, orated by men, taught by men, written by men over thousands of years. Then gathered by men, reviewed by men, scrutinized by men, and then canonized by men. PLENTY of room for error there.

And NONE of the scriptures put into the canon, were originally in Latin… or English for that matter. So not only does it suffer from data loss caused by multiple transcriptions, but multiple translations as well.

the meaning is still the same its still the same meaning

How do you know some of the ‘meaning’ wasn’t corrupted and/or lost in translation? Since the transcripts that make up EVERY version of the Bible, including the Catholic version, aren’t originals… but copies of copies or copies. Each with their own share of inconsistencies, mistranslations, contradictions, etc.

Can you read Greek? Hebrew? Latin? Do you have access to the oldest available transcripts (used for the Catholic Bible) that haven’t turned to dust? Can you compare them to OTHER transcripts that have been found?

Answer #10

Read the bible all the way dude, I find no flause in the Catholic church. But then again, christians took out a lot of books of the bible because “they didnt like them” the catholic church has never changed or taken out any books of the bible.

Also, the reason priests dont get married is because there “given there life totaly and completly to God” with kids and a wife, a priest cant do that, so he takes an oath.

Answer #11

Many judeo/christian texts didn’t make it in the Bible, they were deemed as “apochryphal” and some of them were found too exorbitant or hereitical, among other reasons.

The Bible is clearly not the unified word of a god. It was written and inspired by men, by culture, by oral traditions, by legends, by myth, and by religions.

Answer #12

When he could not destroy it the next best thing that Satan could is what he is currently doing. That is discrediting the Bible and creating various versions with errors in them.

…and why would God allow THAT?

However in each language the authentic version still versions still exist.

…which version is that? And what evidence (since you have no way of proving it) can you provide to validate your claim of its authenticity?

Answer #13


it was translated into all langauges from hebrew, the meaning is still the same, if nobody translated it then nobody would be able to read it!! lol. unless we all still spoke hebrew, it that case that would be awesome! but we dont, so we need some way to read it now dont we.

its still the same meaning, its just not the same langauge because nobody would be able to understand, then the word of God wouldn’t of been spread all over the world, and that would be just sad :[

Answer #14

True bit it was inspired by the Holy Spirit and He was and has been monitoring the translations and had kept out major errors from creeping in. However there are some minor translation mistakes that has crept in because the language’s limitations. The message is intact.

He monitored the translations? Why are there so many different versions of the Bible then? Why have there been so many denominations (over 30,000) to be formed? Why didn’t the ‘pirates curse’ at the end of Revelation kick-in when these tampered versions were created?

Answer #15

He monitored the translations? Why are there so many different versions of the Bible then? Why have there been so many denominations (over 30,000) to be formed? Why didn’t the ‘pirates curse’ at the end of Revelation kick-in when these tampered versions were created?

Well you have not forgotten Satan did you? All that happens against the Bible and Christianity is from Satan. His is out to destroy people’s faith in God. Because if people doe not believe in the existence of God they will not believe in his existence as well. Since the Holy Spirit protects the Bible Satan cannot destroy it even though he had tried many times in the past. It is because of the Holy Spirits work that 6000 year old scriptures are printed even today. When he could not destroy it the next best thing that Satan could is what he is currently doing. That is discrediting the Bible and creating various versions with errors in them. However in each language the authentic version still versions still exist. As far as the curse goes it is talking about a punishment in the life that comes after this.

Answer #16

Oh god…there is no point in arguing over ridiculously minute differences in religions. They are all basically the same. One or many gods, you must worship only them and no other gods from different religions. Then you must obey all their rules or basically rot in hell. Like wtf? Religion is just a form of mind control and a way of keeping people moral.

Answer #17

well I wouldn’t want ot be a cotholic priest, because of that no marriage thing, but isn’t catholic-ism (dont realy know how to say it) just a branch of Christianity with a few things different?

all in all Christians and Catholics are basically the same right?

Answer #18

To Captainassassin

these are some of the storys/books that christians took out of the original bible because they didnt like it. That [Roman] Catholics havn’t changed the bible at all since the bible was written.

Tobit Judith
Additions to Esther Wisdom of Solomon Ecclesiasticus Baruch Epistle of Jeremiah Song of the Three Children Story of Susanna Bel and the Dragon Prayer of Manasseh 1 Maccabees 2 Maccabees 3 Maccabees 4 Maccabees Psalm 151

Answer #19

all in all Christians and Catholics are basically the same right?


That’s like saying a Corolla is the same as ALL Toyota vehicles. Christianity is the BRAND… and Catholicism is the MODEL.

Answer #20

coudo. NO! lol. catholic was the first, and christians desided to break off of the catholic church

and by first I mean the first christian church, started by christ, not the first of all religions lol, because I know some would take that wrong XD

Answer #21

There are many Catholics that are ignorant of various facts. SO I would all catholics to go through what I am about to say impartially. Atheists I would request you to not interfere here with this discussion.

And, Catholic priests are celibate and don’t get married, unlike other Christian offshoots where their religious leaders can have sex and marry.

Well getting married and having sex is not a sin. In fact the Bible says the Bishop (one who leads a church - in todays term a minister) should be married and the husband of one wife.

Catholics confess their sins to the priest because the priest will forgive their sins on behalf of God.

Well they don’t need to. That is what Jesus is for.

Read the bible all the way dude, I find no flause in the Catholic church. But then again, christians took out a lot of books of the bible because “they didnt like them” the catholic church has never changed or taken out any books of the bible.

In fact Catholicism goes exactly opposite to the Bible in many aspects. Today’s Christians are those who read the Bible and understand this and have detached themselves from Catholicism. The Books were taken away because they were not supposed to be there and the Catholics had added it there.

By the way, a Catholic priest is held to be specially ‘linked’ with God, not just through his long training, but specifically through the rite of ordination, above and beyond lay people. That is why priests perform important rituals like Communion/Eucharist and Confession.

Jesus spoke against rituals. The very existence of rituals shows how false Catholicism is.

all in all Christians and Catholics are basically the same right?


coudo. NO! lol. catholic was the first, and christians desided to break off of the catholic church and by first I mean the first christian church, started by christ, not the first of all religions lol, because I know some would take that wrong XD

Jesus Christ did not establish the Catholic Church. His followers were called Christians and the Bible says this. Catholicism was formed later.

In the bible, Jesus said to his apostle, “ All sinners that you forgive, will also forgiven by the father.” Jesus pass the authority to his apostle, In catholic, the apostle are the servant of god, followed by pope, and next is the priest.

Where does the Bible say so?

The Bible was NOT written… it is a canon: A compilation of scriptures that were written separately. Be they inspired BY God, or just ABOUT God, the scriptures were memorized by men, orated by men, taught by men, written by men over thousands of years. Then gathered by men, reviewed by men, scrutinized by men, and then canonized by men. PLENTY of room for error there.

True bit it was inspired by the Holy Spirit and He was and has been monitoring the translations and had kept out major errors from creeping in. However there are some minor translation mistakes that has crept in because the language’s limitations. The message is intact.

If any Catholics disagree with me I invite you to funmail me and we could have a one on one undisturbed discussion. I really want to help.

May God Bless you.

Answer #22

That [Roman] Catholics havn’t changed the bible at all since the bible was written.

…written… you mean canonized?

And if they haven’t changed anything in the Bible… then… in the Catholic Bible, the Old Testament should be in Hebrew… and the New Testament should be in Greek.

…is it?

What about the Dead Sea Scrolls? The Gnostic Gospels? Where do they fit into all of this?

Answer #23

It’s not “some guy” in a booth. A parishioner goes in the confessional booth to confess his/her sins to an actual Catholic priest, and usually it’s the parish priest, unless it’s a large-scale confessional for Lent when other Catholic priests from other churches come to help.

And, Catholic priests are celibate and don’t get married, unlike other Christian offshoots where their religious leaders can have sex and marry. Catholic priests also don’t tell other people about someone’s sins, it’s not their place to do something like that. Catholics confess their sins to the priest because the priest will forgive their sins on behalf of God.

Answer #24

It seems overall that not only does God’s existence have to be taken on faith, but the accuracy of the Bible must be also. Not necessarily faith in God’s message, but faith in the integrity of humans throughout the ages to deliver it unspoiled.

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