Why is it so bleedin' cold this winter?

Where’s the global warming?

Answer #1

Good question, but actually it hast been snowy bad where I am, just very cold 10 degrees out right now burrrrrr

Answer #2

Lol. Global warming is an incorrect term for what is happening. It should be called climate change as the climates of different places changes quite dramatically and this can cause certain species of animals to die out etc. However it is a natural process and have been happening for millions (even billions of years). I just believe that we as humans are not exactly helping by polluting our earth in so many ways.

Answer #3

Techniacally correct

Answer #4

i know! its freezing in texas!

Answer #5

You are confusing weather with climate.

Someone observing rain in the desert shouldn’t conclude that the desert being dry is a myth.

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