was over

My boyfriend of 5 and a half months dumped me this week. He claims to of loved me and I do believe him, truly. I am still so in love with him and he tells me that he just wants to be alone so he can figure things out, but why does he have to push me out of his life to figure things out? He graduated last year and hasn’t gone to college yet. He says he wants to go to college but if he goes he’s saying that he doesn’t want to be with me because it just simply wouldn’t work out. What I don’t understand is why he just won’t try for me. I completely blame myself for everything. I wrote him a 2 and a half page letter telling him how sorry I am and how much I miss him. Will he ever take me back even if he does go to college? How can I get him to come back to me without being pushy?

Answer #1

you know my thoughts on it and i dont know what else to tell you except i am here for you

Answer #2

Well, i know some stuff about what he might feel becuase i took a break awhile ago with my current boyfriend of 7 months. Did he just break up with you without any emotions at all or any feelings? If he did indeed love you then it would have been really hard for him to break it off with you. That college thing sounds a little shady. If he’s not willing to at least TRY and salvage the relationship when he’s at college that mean’s he’s not caring too much about it. If you really want him back and trust that he loved you, you should tell him how you feel and ask him in person why he isn’t willing to try things with you while he’s going to college.

Answer #3

Here is a favorite saying of mine, because i think it is sooo true>”Put more value on a guys actions, not his words!!” His actions arent saying what hes telling you. If you believe that he truly loved you, then he would bring those feelings he has for you to the ends of the universe! When people say they need their space or want to be alone, its only a suttle way of saying, they dont want to be with the person anymore. It wont work, because he doesnt want it to work. You have nothing to blame yourself about….These are his feelings, and no matter what, you cant change them! He obviously didnt feel the same for you that you feel for him. There really isnt anything you can do to bring him back to you….it has to be HIS decision!

Answer #4

Becos he needs to work out things about you as well. Obviously he has hit a confusing time in his life, with college and with you, he needs to work out whether he still wants to be with you! thats why he needs time and space, now you need to respect his decision otherwise if you keep chasing him you’ll only push him away becos he’ll see you as needy, clingy and desperate. He knows how you feel about him, with or without the letter, now just step back and give him the time he asked for and see what happens. you cant make someone want to be with you.

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