Isnt this hilarious..

How you could be BESTFRIENDS with someone then suddenly something happens & your off each others myspace’s & their pictures & everything? Like someone youd thought youd be bestfriends with your WHOLE life & then BAM byebye bestie lmao. Especiallly with people who are ALWAYS together?

I guess you see someones true colors when something goes wrong..

Haha over it :)

What do you think? Funny or Tragic?

Answer #1


Answer #2

I think its funny. lol. :P

Answer #3

Very Immature.

Answer #4

I find it really funny…and it has happened to me before

Answer #5

Immature but funny.

Answer #6

I’m not really surprised, lol. Everything in life is fragile and you have to be aware of your actions. A friend should not learn to ‘tolerate’ you as such and so if you do something wrong, they should treat it as any other person does. We should cherish what we have and care for our friends. If we don’t do that then even the best of friends could abandon us.

Answer #7

we can all relate to you hunn .. I had it happen to me several times also … it gives you the feeling of deceived and betrayal feeling … but then its good at the same time because then you realize the meaning of a true friend and who are they really in the inside … its better off being lonely then with bad company …

Answer #8

thats the way it goes and althou you laffn now…I can tell it hurts because I do the same thing laff when im hurt…its cool forget about people like dhat like you said you c dey true colors when sumthyn go rong and your exactly rite

Answer #9

I find it funny..

I rather laugh something out then cry something in :)

Answer #10

I don’t think thats funny. It’s happened to me, we were so close then suddenly the past 2 months or so we don’t even talk. We didn’t have an argument or anything. So no not funny. She was the person I told everything to.

Answer #11

It’s both.

One way it’s funny is because it’s so sudden and well… immature lol.

But on the other half it’s like all those memories together were kinda pointless if you can’t share them and look back at them in the future together to laugh at.

This has kinda happened to me before, but we made up and told eachother we felt like something was missing and we wanted to be best friends and have more memories together. And then we laughed and cried like babies and hugged. We realized that we knew to much about eachother like how to make eachothers day better if it was sad… make eachother laugh when we could barely smile… we were together alll the time and felt kinda like a chunk of ourselves was missing when we weren’t speaking. It sucked and we both admitted it. I’m personally glad we made up! I think of all the things we’ve done together since after that and it’s been so fun and memorable. But that’s just me… I guess you guys think it’s funny, and in a way it is because it’s pretty obnoxious and stupid I must admit lol :] Props to you for not taking it hard, and getting over it.

Answer #12

I’d find it tragic, I don’t think it’s funny, but that’s the truth and you really don’t need someone like that. realizing it then helps. I don’t cry over friends. :) livin happy!!

Answer #13

Neither - it is part of life. This is going to sound awful, but girls fight really really mean. They work on each other’s emotions, and what you described sounds just like that. Your friend may have any number of reasons/excuses for what she did, and if she feels that you did her wrong somehow, it may even be you who has to make the first move towards reconcilliation. Whether things stay or change again, as long as you do your best to make things right between you, you’ll be OK, although there will likely be some pain for a while. Good Luck!

Answer #14

That’s happened to me! I think it’s funny as hell! Hbu?

Answer #15

it is funny and it is sad to say that as you get older and go through changes in your life you will really find out who your true friends are. Any choice in your life could changes a person perspective of you but it takes a true friend for loving you even when you trip up.

Answer #16

I had that happen to me last year, though it was rough at first, and now that I think about it, she was really immature and it’s hilarous how immature people can be!

Answer #17

Myy friends last year got in a fist fight…but the thing was they were each others “bff” and next daythey ere all hugging and hooking arms funny

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