
How can someone get over an addiction of eating? I lose weight when I eat normal and healthy meals but it’s almost like I’m addicted to eating. I keep gaining weight and can’t stop. Help!!

Answer #1

Any addiction has a root cause… And generally exploring that cause and realizing the reasons for performing the behavior some times helps… Most people eat because it is comforting, it makes whatever unpleasant emotions they are feeling fo away. Others overeat as a protective barrier. If they are bigger, then they are protected in some ways. The list kinda goes on… Unlike other “addictions”, however, food is difficult because you cannot simply abstain and avoid. So, you have to approach it differently. Replacing foods with healthy foods is a good step. If you’re going to over eat, it is better to do it on healthier foods than not. Of course the aim is not to over eat at all. Try and have set times for meals, limit that time, dont eat infront of the TV, and try to be mindful of why you’re eating…

This is the site for overeaters anonymous. You may find support there…

Answer #2

yEW kHAN FiNdd Uh H0BBy 0R just ANyTHANq 2 kEEP yUR MiNd 0FF F00d. AlS0,yEW kHAN qET Uh PiECE 0F CANdy and ChEW 0R SUCk 0N iT FAh Uh WhilE.yEW don’t hAVE 2 ST0p EATiN iN 0RdER 2 ST0P qAiNiN WAiT,yEW kHAN EAT BETTeR 0R just LESS. H0PE I HElPEdd… dESTiNEE:]

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