A toe touch...

is something I can’t do. What can I do to improve my horrible toe touches? Exercises, stretches, anything is helpful. Please and thanks. <3

Answer #1

Hi. I used to not being able to do that but then I started stretching really properly after working out and guess what…after two weeks I can almost…touch my toes.

Answer #2

I was a cheerleader for 4 years. I had horrible toe touches at first. You have to practice a lot. Stretch your legs a lot before trying them and I would practice on splits. Go as far down as you can go and it will help stretch your legs out little by little and improve your splits and toe touches. I would take time every day to just practice for a couple minutes. Good luck :]

Answer #3

Here’s a toe touch drill that will help you: http://cheerleading.about.com/od/learningaboutjumps/a/toetouch_drills.htm

Answer #4

you want to use proprio-neuroreceptive facilitation they call it pnf stretches if you’re in hs gym class…

straight leg your left leg forward, knee locked, only as high as u can go easily donkey kick your right leg backwards as though you want to kick your head then straight leg your right, and donkey kick your left. repeat repeat repeat. you are using proprioceptive nerve bundles to trick muscles into relaxing. ^_^

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