Science Questions

  1. Flourecent Bulb
  2. Have you had a UFO sighting?
  3. Fastest Universe Expansion and why?
  4. Mass and time
  5. How long can an earthquake last?
  6. What is a human being if it is not its own species?
  7. Has anyone heard of Area 51?
  8. What is your opinion on time travel?
  9. Does anyone believe in aliens?
  10. Lightspeed or Extrasolar Planets?
  11. Earth's slowing rotation and Moons drift
  12. Cryonics and Suspended Animation
  13. Backward Time Travel
  14. Land Covering the Earth
  15. Cryonic Preservation
  16. Terrarforming the Universe
  17. Are there any Kardashev 1,2,3 Civilizations.
  18. aleins started life on Earth by sending bacteria to Earth
  19. Society 1000 years from now
  20. In the jetsons it is mentioned that cogswell's building was 2200 ft
  21. How much would it cost to go to the moon?
  22. The Limits of Technology
  23. Multiverse Theory
  24. Evolution of eye color and hair color
  25. How many atoms in a person?
  26. Surface area of a prism?
  27. White Dwarf sun
  28. Big bang, how did this happen?
  29. Time Formula
  30. Alien Space Elevators
  31. Elevator to Extrasolar planets
  32. Speed of Light Achieved?
  33. Is Star Trek 3000 years too advanced?
  34. Kardashev 3
  35. When will humans go to Mars?
  36. The Mile High Tower
  37. The Jetsons?
  38. What caused the Big Bang?
  39. Are aliens possible and how?
  40. Evolution of Humanity
  41. How do you feel the Earth was formed?
  42. Man on the moon
  43. 62,000 mile high space elevator operational by 2018?
  44. A matter of rotation
  45. Life in the Solar System?
  46. Killer robots are coming, should we be concerned?
  47. Where to find a list of all martial arts?
  48. What do you think of alien abductions?
  49. electricity to process to get the hydrogen MORE efficent?
  50. How to explain this petrified wood?
  51. Volume of an irregular object?
  52. A space elevator by 2018?
  53. What does this mean about the meteor?
  54. Why is pluto now called dwarf planet?
  55. Whats the difference between a scientist and an explorer?
  56. Why does the moon turn red during a lunar eclipse?
  57. Who wants to see a red moon?
  58. What would you ask an alien?
  59. From Earth to Mars
  60. Colonizing Mars
  61. When will people live in space colonies?
  62. Which is stronger, buoyancy or gravity?
  63. Does anybody know about the Kardashev Civilizations?
  64. Do you think there is life on Europa?
  65. How to convert solar power from the sun to electricity?
  66. What's a light year?
  67. What makes the universe its color?
  68. Does matter make space curve?
  69. How much starlight is received on Earth?
  70. Who invented science?
  71. Do other worlds exist?
  72. How long will a car run if sugar or sand is in the gas tank?
  73. Did you hear about the asteroid that is coming close to Earth?
  74. What happens if the Earth stopped moving?
  75. Do you think aliens have visited Earth?
  76. What is Chaos Theory?
  77. Do you believe in aliens?
  78. Which is lighter: hot air or cold air?
  79. Can pouring sugar in your gas tank ruin it?
  80. Can anything go faster than the speed of light?
  81. What's the fourth dimension in space?
  82. Do male babies get more of the father's genes than female ones?
  83. What does constant acceleration mean?
  84. When did humans first step on the Earth?
  85. Are black holes considered to be stars?
  86. Do you think there is life in the Universe besides us?
  87. What's the process of a Supernova?
  88. What is the difference between a robot and an android?
  89. San Jose earthquake October 30th, in Alum Rock, 5.6 rector scale
  90. How to predict the behavior of an element?
  91. What's the element phase for phosphorus?
  92. What are the pros and cons of Stem Cell Research?
  93. Does changing rims on my car affect its performance?
  94. Why is the sky blue and clouds black?
  95. Who invented the microwave oven?
  96. How many ounces are in a pint?
  97. How big is our universe?
  98. In simple terms, what is evolution?
  99. What are some Christian websites to learn astronomy?
  100. If we evolved from apes, why are there still apes?