What are some Christian websites to learn astronomy?

what are some Christian based websites that I can learn about astronomy and that I can trust to tell the truth?

Answer #1

Huh? As far as I know, the study of Astronomy has no pagan or ritualistic issues that the Christians would want to condemn. So therefore, all of the info on Astronomy will be the same. I doubt that anyone actually defines there knowledge of the stars as “a Christian knowledge of the stars”. That would be similar to “a Christian knowledge of Geometry” or “a Christian knowledge of Zoology” or how about “a Christian knowledge of the big round planet we live on” (which could have gotten you killed by early Christians for telling gross lies about the much more plausible truth that the world is flat….but that is the truth that you want right? The “actual” truth as known by the scholarly Christians who are more in favor of belief than facts?)

Maybe you are confusing Astronomy with Astrology? The two are completely different. Astronomy is the study of the stars and astral bodies and the movements they make (which your Christians believed was “pagan” until the world was proved to not be so flat). And Astronomy is the whole horoscope bit where someone’s birthday and birth year are believe to hold key information about your life.

Answer #2

The Catholic church recently admitted that Gallileo was right and the Earth does revolve around the Sun so AFAIK there is no longer any fundamental disagreement between mainstream Christianity and the science of Astronomy.

If you are a young Earth creationist and believe the universe is thousands of years old instead of billions than you will probably have to avoid all science to avoid conflicts with your worldview.

Answer #3

none christianity is a lie to tell you the truth so you will always be lied to

Answer #4

Well, there are no such websites I heard of that teaches astronomy. Maybe you got it wrong.

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