Questions & Answers

  1. Does hot cheetos give people diarrhea?
  2. Why cant australia have cheerleading and haloween like america?
  3. How much does it cost to renew my green card and what all do I need to do it?
  4. how do you say "maybe i miss you but it doesnt matter" in spanish?
  5. How will I avoid people bullying me at school and online?
  6. What are some cute hairstyles for me?
  7. how to get thin straight hair?
  8. can someone identify this song for me??
  9. wheres your g spot? no hates please
  10. can I change the headlight on my VW Touareg
  11. does anyone know the name of the theme song for pretty little liars & who sings it?
  12. What is the difference between autistic & retarded? I am serious. Please no off the cuff remarks?
  13. What are good animated t.v. shows?
  14. How do I get a lot of hits for my Youtube video?
  15. where could i get free clothes from since i dont have any inceome?
  16. How can i get a guy 2 like me?
  17. what.. is it weird that i want a baby?
  18. Who knows a photographer that takes pics for cheap?
  19. What is a thrift store?
  20. What does "i.e." stand for, I see it a lot when people write?
  21. what if they make a flying car?
  22. How and when do I know when to clean my betta's bowl?
  23. What happened to the cookie monster?
  24. who is alex evans? is he gay?
  25. What are some things I could do to help my young friend she's 12 wks in pregnancy?
  26. Does this sound like it would b published some day?
  27. why does the negative always outweigh the positive??
  28. Whas the point in buying something like a business, when you gonna have to keep payin it off, as in lights, property, etc.?
  29. Is it normal 2 have thoughts about whats it like AFTER you die?
  30. what is the weather mainly like in canada?
  31. Does it count to say you skipped breakfast if you woke up at lunch time and ate right away(considering breakfast is supposed to be the most important meal)?
  32. Does the Wii Fit help you exercise safely?
  33. Who was the first female country singer to appear on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine?
  34. what ever happened to prizes in ceral boxes?
  35. what are some places thast help needy families in st.pete florida?
  36. how can you move a family into a lot if they dont have enough money in the sims 2 university life collection?
  37. Do you think country people live simpler than city people?
  38. Who has heard of the new Nintendo 3DS?
  39. would you rather be Rich or Famous?
  40. what do i say to the hair stylist if i want my hair cut like this or layered like that?
  41. What are the largest and the smallest parts of the human brain?
  42. What is the best way to fix my hair?
  43. What's it like to live in Canada? What part do you live in?
  44. How can I lose 20 lbs in less than a month?
  45. Does anyone know where I can download old computer games?
  46. Do things on your credit score disappear after so many years?
  47. Do you believe in jinxing things??
  48. what is a good (but affordable and easy to make) meal for a date???
  49. What girls on here wear makeup every single day, and what all do you wear?
  50. How do I get my eyelashes to curl without an eyelash curler?
  51. Why is it every time i try to funmail someone it goes to my inbox?
  52. Is there a way you can stop following ppl on this site?
  53. Does anyone here meditate reguarly?
  54. Where can I go to try to find a place to meditate?
  55. What is wicca and what is it's beliefs?
  56. How do you know that your God(s) is the only true or right God(s)?
  57. Do I have to get separate apprenticeships to do tattoos and piercings?
  58. Does anyone know of an online fantasy medieval game where you can play for free and create your own avatar and react with other players???
  59. Who knows if Mad Men will return for another season?
  60. Is anybody familiar with the mexican band Rebelde?
  61. How can I find a good tattoo artist that is willing to apprentice me?
  62. How do I get my sunburn to go away fast and not turn into a tan?
  63. How can I convince my folks to let me have my ear pierced mid way up?
  64. is the book Of Mice and Men a good book?
  65. How can I make sex less painful when using condoms?
  66. whats one thing someone has to do before they die?
  67. why do people admire justin bieber so much?
  68. is it normal for a turtle to shed off the little squares on his back?
  69. Why do so many of you laugh when someone gets injured?
  70. how can you age just one person up in the sims 2 double deluxe?
  71. What are some sex positions (and how are they done) that a large guy about 335lbs. about 5'8" can do with a girl that is 145lbs with really, really short legs?
  72. What has been the most amusing thing you've ever seen on the internet?
  73. Why haven't I had my period in over 50 days, is it normal?
  74. What causes hormone imbalance in women?
  75. Why won't Skype work?
  76. why do ppl get so mad when i tell them that i am going to join the marines?
  77. Do you ever wonder what other (more common) FA members sound like/look like... what accents, voice etc?
  78. Can someone give me tips on how to do backstroke?
  79. Do you know how to make legit money online ?
  80. Who can tell me if combination dance is the same as contemporary dance?
  81. how can i have a natural smile while cheerleading?
  82. how can i get better at basing in cheer stunts, cuz i suck?
  83. Why is my butt always moonlight white?
  84. Does anyone here like A Day To Remember ?
  85. What is your favorite crepe filling?
  86. Do I have butt acne?
  87. does a miscarriage ALWAYS have severe pains?
  88. what should i do with my 400 dollars?
  89. do you think "Brodi" is a good name for a baby boy?
  90. What is your opinion on botox?
  91. Who else thinks that the religion shouldnt be able to affect government?
  92. Could I legally start an Atheist meditation group, so that I wont have to pay taxes?
  93. What kind of makeup- az in foundation and such- would be best for me and my specific skin type???
  94. what is the martial art in which you focus on pinpointing the pressure points in the human body?
  95. Why do some people take EVERYONE else's problems on themselves. what good does that do them?
  96. Should i be worried if my hairs falling out?
  97. what happens if a park is made into a parking lot?
  98. Does anyone else on here lead a Christian prayer group?
  99. Who else has seen Girl Interrupted?
  100. How much do proffesional firefighters make?