What Is Atheism?

Ok Me And My Friend Are Having this Fight Over Atheism.. So Isn’t Atheism Where You believe In God But You Believe In What Nature Dose Also? Like Evaluation ? Or You Don’t Belive In God Period ?

Answer #1

Defination of agnostic: A person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and probably unknowable; broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god 2: a person unwilling to commit to an opinion about something .

Answer #2

agnostic is where you dont have the knowledge to state whether there is a god(s) or not


Agnostic is where you believe that NOBODY has the knowledge to state whether there is a god(s) or not. Or more conventionally, that it is impossible for anyone to prove or disprove the existence of god(s).

Answer #3

elini, you are right about the variety of atheists, just as there is variety in any generally defined group. Generally, atheism covers the religious world view only. One can believe in alien abductions, ghosts, or the tooth fairy and still think of themselves as an atheist.

Answer #4

Anyone else notice the bad grammar and incorrect spelling flying around this site?

Answer #5

Both “atheist” and “agnostic” have Greek origins.

A - theist (theism = belief in deities): one who lacks belief in gods A - gnostic (gnosis = knowledge): one who lacks knowledge of gods

People often use the term “agnostic” in different ways but it originally described a person who had no knowledge of any gods. An atheist has, until recently, been used simply to describe someone who has no belief in any gods.

There are some atheists who do believe in other supernatural beings or events such as ghosts, etc. And not all atheists believe in evolution (Raelians). You have to be careful about making generalizations just as you do when you talk about religious people. Not everyone is cut from the same cloth. The best thing I’ve found is to read up on the subject and ask as many questions of actual atheists as you can.

Good luck.

Answer #6

Atheism is a religion of satan. Most Religions believe in God, The devil, Heaven, Hell, The Afterlife, and such. Satan don’t want you to believe in God, the devil, heaven, hell, the afterlife, and such…making if a religion of satan, and they are following his teachings without even knowing it. Atheist KNOW there is a God. They deliberately Choose to not believe out of resentment or some disappointment or irrational reasoning. Atheism is a cowardly cop out. They think their disbelief will save them from hell or having to live a life the way God say we should live. They hope that their disbelief makes them imune to the consequences of not accepting God. They want to believe there is no higher power and want to think they’re in control of their own destiny. Some think it’s cute and makes them seem tuff to rebel and dare to be different. Atheism is becoming the modern day religious fad and many are dying in their foolishness and going to hell. HE WHO SAYS IN HIS HEART THAT THERE IS NO GOD IS A FOOL. Psalms 53:1

Answer #7

Ok. Atheism means that you dont believe in God, but you do believe in a higher power. It’s not super-strict like the other religions, it’s more of a “believe what you want” sort of thing.

Answer #8

An atheist does not believe in any super natural controlling power or powers. As an atheist I believe in love, helping others, doing good, etc. but not in a force that violates or goes beyond the natural laws.

Answer #9

Antheism is, where someone does not believe in the exsitance of God or and other Spiritual, emotional, or other being. Also does not believe in anything to do with religion. My friend is an Atheist and we go to Catholic schooll HAHA don’t make sence but oh well.

Answer #10

Atheism is no belief in God or anything of a spiritual or supernatural nature.

Agnostic is believing in God or a “”higher power”” but not religion.

Answer #11

an atheist is one who does not believe in god..he does not believe that god from vacum created adam and eve, and all…an atheist believes evolution and thinks that the origin of matter will eventually be proved by science.

Answer #12

Whoot! You go geekster, tellem how it is! : P

Answer #13

How deluded…

Answer #14

Definition: The doctrine or belief that there is no God.

Answer #15

It means that you don’t believe in God, period.

Answer #16

atheism is NOT A RELIGION OF SATAN. it is an absense of religious feelings at all. atheists dont believe in god or satan.

Answer #17

…and you are equally ignorant when it comes to Agnosticism.

Answer #18

atheism is where the person does not believe in god(s). agnostic is where you dont have the knowledge to state whether there is a god(s) or not.

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