Would you agree that angels can be people too?

… is it not written … Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares (Heb 13:2, AV)

When the author of Hebrews wrote about entertaining angels unawares, he was almost certainly thinking of the old story from Genesis – how Abraham and Sarah entertained three strangers in their tent – only to discover that they were angels- and the angels promised Sarah that should would bear a child.

Angels can bring rich life-giving gifts.

They may not have wings and harps – indeed perhaps never so in our experience – more likely they just look like ordinary strangers – but an angel is a messenger from God – and if we attend, who knows which ordinary person may not show us something new of God & his ways? Here’s “CALLING ALL you Angels”

Answer #1

yes, I do believe that angels are people , I have an angel in my life , no lies .

Answer #2

“angels do exist- I’ve even seen some sleep.” -sean daily (slug from atmosphere)

Answer #3

yes i do i believe i am an angel when i was little i had a blank dream i could only hear a voice tellin me that i had a very special purpose in life and that i had to earn my wings…i just dont know what kind of angel i am…

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