How would people today treat Jesus if he came back?

Would people believe in him? Or would they think he’s just another madman babbling about god?

Answer #1

The latter.

Answer #2

I second this. xD

Answer #3

Something I myself often wonder. What if he’s here already and we ridicule him as it was done in the past?

Answer #4

As sad as it is, I think a lot of people would ridicule Him.

Answer #5

Well, since there’s been quite a few cases of men who’ve said they were jesus and believed it, I think he’d be given the same treatment, mental institutionalized. Being as I don’t believe in Jesus, I wouldn’t believe it was him either, and I’m sure many other wouldn’t as well.

Answer #6

If Jesus said it was a good thing to help the poor he would be accused of making them lazy and trapping them in a cycle of poverty by encouraging them not to work. If he said it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter Heaven he’d be accused of class warfare and penalizing success. If he said to forgive other’s trespass he’d be accused of being soft on crime. If as in the Bible Jesus never spoke out against homosexuality or ending pregnancies he would be told he was a charlatan and not a real Christain. If he suggested we should love our enemies he would be accused of putting our nation at risk. If Jesus suggest when wronged you should turn the other cheek rather than retaliate the NRA would point out that crime has gone down in areas that allow concealed carrying of firearms. Jesus would be attacked as liberal, socialist, and non-Christian.

Answer #7

Are you saying conservatives aren’t true Christians? Other than those bits I totally agree

Answer #8

I’m saying that politically conservative Christians tend to ignore the parts of Jesus’ teachings that go against their political ideology.

Answer #9

i would fall on my knees crying and praise and rejoice. R savior has returned. people who r wicked and/or non believers will run and hide.

Answer #10

The real Jesus will descend from the sky for all to see with his hands on two angels. All others r false. Do not believe.

1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17: “For the Lord Himself will descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air.”

At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory.

the bible says no one will miss his return. everyone will behold him. him returning won’t be questionable. whether you will be defeated and destroyed or saved will be what his return is all about

Answer #11

I wholly agree well stated

Answer #12

THough true in biblical since, I doubt that’s the context the questioner meant the question to be taken in

Answer #13

Ohkay. You know what, I don’t feel like getting into this… But let me just say, Jesus is not a member if any political party and I doubt that He is against any as a whole. Political parties and groups are merely a way for men to segregate themselves from each other, and they are different policies of government and lifestyle. Jesus doesn’t judge you based on your political stance. He judges you based on your relationship with Him. Don’t expect a reply.

Answer #14

People synthesize their worldview from various places. Their religious instruction, political ideology, economic ideology, life experiences, and natural inclinations. We all come up with our own unique way of thinking of things. Some people modify their political outlook to reflect their religious ideals while some people modify their religious outlook to fit their political ideals. An example is Social Darwinism. The Catholic church has long held that poverty is a good thing and that earthly possessions hold you down spiritually. Priests and Nuns take vows of poverty. This idea was never popular with rich people. Some Protestants combined their capitalist ideology with Christianity and synthesized the idea that earthly success mirrors closeness to God. God amply rewards his true followers while the poor do not receive God’s favor because they are not as Godly.

Answer #15

im pretty sure thats wat the questioner asked. How would people today treat Jesus if he came back? Would people believe in him? Or would they think he’s just another madman babbling about god?

they will no he is God and they will worship and rejoice or run and hide depending on if u r a believer

Answer #16

I wasn’t going to reply, but wow. First of all, a lot of that was irrelevant to the debate. Secondly, where did you get your information exactly? Because I used to live in Small Town USA and I, all of my friends, and quite frankly almost everyone was conservative and NONE of us thought success was about being godly. Success is being able to live in comfort because you worked hard to earn it. Ohhh, wait. I forgot. You’re a socialist, right? Or at least you support the socialist ideal. You already implied that you think that success is a bad thing. Why? When you boil it down, socialism is about man A being forced to give up all he has worked for to give to man B, by man C. So that man C can feel good about himself. Read The Forgotten Man then get back to me, k? Actually, nevermind. I’m done wasting my time with this. Have a lovely day

Answer #17

I did not invent Social Darwinism or Prosperity theology. Look them up and I think you will find I described them fairly well. Success a bad thing? heck no. I consider myself a pretty successful guy. I don’t mind paying my fair share though; I don’t think the world owes me because I rose to the top of my profession and am so very special. When people say “the rich really are different” they are not talking about everyone in the top quartile of income; they are talking about people who make many times what ordinary people do. I find amusing the current trend of calling anyone even one tick to the left of some imagined Libertarian ideal a socialist or suggesting that raising taxes one iota on corporations or the wealthy is guilty of punishing success and redistributing wealth. Hon, I was a conservative and a Republican when I was young as well. My views were likely close to what yours are now. Life experiences have taught me that the premises that I based my conservative politicals on were wrong. Get back to me after in a few years.

Answer #18

Nobody would understand him. First of all, no one would recognize who he is because sinners have been looking at idols all their lives of what they think he looks like. That deception won’t allow them to believe in the true God who is only invisible thoughts.

Answer #19

Conservative Christians ignore everything, but “forgiveness.” Crime is revenge, and revenge is liberal.

Answer #20

They have been for over 28 months now.

Answer #21

They think he’s just another false prophet like the Jewish Prophesies thought about Jesus while he preached the gospel.

Answer #22

Revenge is liberal? Ohk, lets ignore the idiocy of the statement. Lets talk about capital punishment. Something supported by conservatives (and still alive and well in the more conservative states). Looks like revenge may be a more conservative view point? (Still think labeling revenge as a liberal or conservative stance is idiotic, but for arguments sake).

Answer #23

Revenge IS liberal. Forgiveness is an old thing. Why do you think movies glorify revenge now more than ever, in ritualistic and graphic detail. Look at gangs. It’s a new thing. Gangs killing each other. Mafia killings. And you know what they say about liberals, quite in a false manner, that they are angrier than conservatives. And anger leads to revenge right. And if revenge is so conservative, why is it that just 50 years ago, movies couldn’t show revenge, profanity, violence, sex or other objectionable material. Remember the happy shows of the 50s. Exactly, in this liberal, secularized world, people are angrier and more unforgiving than ever before. Looks like revenge is a liberal viewpoint after all. And the death penalty and wars are not started by revenge. They are started by greed. Greed and revenge are two different things. Besides, conservatives claim to believe in civilization, so they think revenge is barbaric.

Answer #24

Look at the news, unsolved killings are on the rise. Serial killer culture is glorified in the Western world now, especially in Europe. Mafia, gangs, killings, etc.

Answer #25

And you know what they say about liberals, quite unfalsely, that they are angry, and that conservative are happy people. And anger leads to revenge.

Answer #26

Look at the idiocy of your statement. Seems like revenge is a liberal viewpoint after all. Stupid.

Answer #27

You can’t honestly being saying that only liberals enact revenge when clearly conservatives wasted everyone’s time trying to get Obama Care appealed. If that isn’t revenge then there is something skewed about your definition. It’s also ironic that you think that nothing was wrong in the 50’s; really? They where all happy? I wonder what minorities had to say about that. And do you really think everyone and everything is liberal now? When the hell did this happen? What about Texas? They still have capital punishment for just about everything and that’s a conservative thing. Here, let me show you exactly the kind of flawed logic you have: you are suggesting that in order to get rid of “revenge” we must all mitigate back to conservative ideology and simply put everyone on death row for trying to oppose anything. Sounds like something you would support, right?

Answer #28

I never said they were happy. I said conservatives were happy. Big different. I never said EVERYONE was happy.

Answer #29

I’m liberal and saying this. Killings, assault, and revenge are glorified in ritualistic and graphic detail.

Answer #30

Most conservatives function from greed, not revenge. They are two different things. Conservatives don’t know how to get revenge. They know how to be blissful and happy, while everyone suffers. Wars are started from greed, not revenge. The death penalty is started from greed. What about all those Western tales of people killed in revenge for putting their friends and loved one on the death penalty?

Answer #31

Conservatives function from GREED. Keyword. GREED and REVENGE–two different things. They didn’t want to pass the Obama Health Care, because they are GREEDY. Not out of vengeance. They are idiots who smile like everything is OK, it’s the liberals and everyother form of people that are always mad.

Answer #32

With good reason And REVENGE comes from ANGER

Answer #33

I hate the f–king death penalty, and wish harm for the person who made it, if THAT’S not revenge than I don’t know what is.

Answer #34

He would come and be like “hey I’m back” and people would be like ‘I’m sure you are…” And they would call a mental asylum…

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