Why don't I puke?

I get nauseous a lot & always feel I have to puke then why cant I puke? I mean I hate puking its so scary. But when im nauseous its even worse.

Answer #1

oh so thats why I take those. I thought it was also for when I have a fever, but most of the time when I puke I havea fever. and milk isnt good for your stomach when you puke. oh and I drink ginger ale when im sick. oh ,katydid747, I take maalox occasionally when I have a really bad stomach ache .

Answer #2

eat a popcicle…juice baised, NOT milk/icecream. “ice pops or juice pops” will calm you stomach and the gaging muscle effect that makes you feel the need to puke.

Answer #3

Sometimes your body just doesn’t! Mine doesn’t puke either, unless my mouth starts watering really bad… I’ve probably puked twice in my entire life that I can remember and I’m 21. Try taking some Maalox or Pepto Bismal and go to sleep, it will help a lot. It helps me!

Answer #4

well if u wanna puke my advice is too drink hot milk then eat as much as you can then try jumping i know it sounds crazy but it might wrk though

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