Why do the young ones want kids of their own?

I was wondering why kids teenagers are having kids at such a young age? Is it because they think that having a kid will make there life better? Because it wont it will just make it a lot worst. Having s*x is fun but it becomes boring after a while. Theres no reason for kids having kids of there own. They should think of there future and what they want to become before they have there own kids who can just ruin there lifes. So why do kids want to have babys? there cute but there another life why do they want to have more responsiblity when they cant even deal with there own responsibiltys?

I know I asked a lot here but I see that so many kids are having kids of there own and it brakes my heart because they would be ruining there kids lifes. So what do you think?

Answer #1

Low self-esteem, welfare, citizenship.

Answer #2

heyhey :)

I think its just a stage teens go through… I want a baby, but im not stupid enough to have one.

if a teen wants a baby just let them get on with it…its there life not urs…u dont need to worry abwt it

xx xx

Answer #3

tragic rabbit, I love your response. To the question : I ve wanted a baby ever since I was a little girl. I did [on accident] get pregnant at 14, but had a miscarraige. Im 18 now and still want a baby very badly, but im waiting. It doesnt matter how old you are to want a baby, as long as the heart is there in raising it, they will be a great mother. unlike you, who say babies “ruin lives” thats disgusting talk!

Answer #4

hey, i dont think that babies will ruin teens lifes i am a teen and i dnt really care if i have a kid or not if i do i do and i think that i am ready to face the redsponsibility yea i noe its hard but some teens try to get pregnate and others dont

Answer #5

some teens for instance me, did not want a kid untill i was married, but i was forsed into doing it with my x boyfriend. So most of its really not there fault..Its the person who did it.

Answer #6

i’m 14 and a while back i wanted a child i had no reason for explaining it i just did i just kept thinking i want to be pregnant i want a child and that was all i thought about for around a month and then it hit me i probably wouldn’t be able to do my GCSE’s it would be so much hard work and i thought after a while i would get tired of having a child so it gradually came out of my head but some teenagers just can’t help feeling the way they feel

Answer #7

well i have to admite i am 13 and i kinda do want a kid i mean relly there cute and perfect and there yours soemthing for u to love and to love u bak when no one eles is there and yea it a big resposiblitie but we will get through it over time =] and yea 13 muight be younge but my best firned had s*x for the frist time at 12 so i mean it doesent seem that bad .

Answer #8

It’s all about making the right decisions. Have any of you seen the Maury Show? Yea..the one where young teen girls come on the show talking about wanting to have a baby. Hmm… By the end of the show they change their mind. Babies are cute, but they are a lot of work as well. Young girls who desperately want a babies should be provided with the opportunity to take care of one and see what it’s really like BEFORE they go ahead and have one. Too many teens are blinded by the …’aww, babies are sooo cute!’ Don’t be foolish. Stop and think first. No one can love you if you can’t love yourself first!

Answer #9

I’m thirteen and I honestly don’t get it either. I see exactly where you are coming from,, and it’s a little odd and insecure.. It cost so much,, and its going to cost yourself.. and everyone around you and well.. your own childs life.. I dont understand, because the time right now is the time to have fun.. not to have your “own” family. But if you were to have s*x ,, use a condom.be safe. haha.

Answer #10

I DONT WANT TO BE MEAN BUT I cant stand the thought of anyone having sx befor 17 …after all 17 is reasonable but still not a very good age plus half of the time the girls get pregnant because the boys preasure them or birth control or condoms dont work and then there left looking like a bad example but its not all there fault it takes 2 to tango and why arent the men or boys getting scolded like the girls are its not fare to them to have us talk about them and not talk about the men…the men came the women didnt get pregnant like the virgin marry and the men could have been real men and said NO but they didnt…i know 4 girld that got pregnant befor and at 17 …one was raped and parents of school children teachers and her own family made her an outcast because she wanted to keep the baby …people talked s**t about her when it wasnt even her fault, one got pregnant at 12 because her doctor told her she could never have children so her mother let her do what ever …then somehow she got pregnant???…another girl i know had sx at 15 and her birth control was too weak and she ended up getting pregnant…her boyfriend never got in trouble and her father endedup beating her with a belt so bad that she misscarried in her 3rd month and the last one is ME! YES ME!!! i used the pill and my boyfriend used a condom and yet i dont know how but i still got pregnant and thats no bull sht now even though im 18 and 2 months pregnant people still talk sht about me and i wont go back to school in fear and shame that there might be people out there that will blame me for everythig or there problems or look down at me like i meant to do this DO YOU KNOW how much it sux to be a number in a pull of pregnant american teens …You dont see any pull along the lines of teen men that got there chicks knocked up..and for those who want to know im going to continue the pregnancy and do home schooling…I hope you think about the girls story befor you start assuming that were all bad girls who are foolish and uneducated …as for the girls that do it because they think there 2 good for school or think there all that and want to have a kid because it proves there mature or cool there the ones who need to be put in a boot camp for a while…i hope the people who read this understand or have a new point of view

Answer #11

I don’t understand it either. Grow up first, go to school, go to collage, get a wonderful job and get a man that you love and want to spend the rest of your life with, get married, move into a house that is suitable for the both of you and your future family. See.. that’s what needs to happen.. I dont understand why teens want to bring a precious baby into the world that is harsh and cruel and will most likely be neglected. because no you cannot do that work when you’re younge. how in the h*eLL are you going to afford just getting food and diapers for your baby? Your parents are not going to do it for you. it was your fault and crap. so .. you definately need to wait. but yea I can understand if you got raped and you got pregnant .. and you decided to keep that baby. because abortion isn’t right. I agree with you, and I’m happy that you are so brave to do that, because abortion isnt right, but thats another story. I know a friend of the family that had that happen to her, and her baby is soo wonder ful, he is so cute and innocent. and in the end , I feel sorry that he’ll most likely never have his biological father,, maybe it’s for the best. I never did.. my parents were married and crap but my mom kicked him out when I was real little.. and im just fine, only a little sad . but its WHATEVER. everyone has a purpose in life. so don’t bring that baby here with a small chance of love.. and everything else he needs.. Yeah I did just say everyone has a purpose.. but if you get knocked up and that boy leaves you. that baby has a purpose,,, a sad one. But whatever.. thats my opinion. and you know what?, if you dont want to listen to me and take my advice.. think again. because this world is mean. and it’ll never get better. SO Bye~ … asl:13,f,usa. wow.

Answer #12

It is so sad how materialistic people are these days. You don’t HAVE to go to college to get a good/ decent job. I am 21 a mother of one and have another on the way. I know there are stupid teen moms who set a bad example for the rest of us however- I KNOW that I am a way better mom and provider for 30 and 40 year old moms. It isn’t your age that counts. It is your maturity and financial stability. I may not be rich but child has never went without and never will. Oh and I believe that some of the reasons teens want to have babies is because it is in their nature. God gave women a period to reproduce. In the later days- as soon as a girl started her period, she had to marry. Now- I don’t know about the majority of the girls but I do know that I started at 9 years old. Right after my 9th b-day! Now to go ten years with that and not have a child is pretty good to me. My whole point is that it is natural for girls/ teens to want children. God gave us that urge. It is all part reproduction. Yes, times have changed however it has not ALL changed for the good.

Now-can you please stop judging others and really think about this one.

Answer #13

wow 13 girl you are young and the younger you are the harder it will be on you your body your family and schooling just because your friend has s e x at 12 doesnt mean you have to you know theres a thing called peer presure and you seem to be having that yeah s. e. x. it isnt a bad thing but hey what are the consequences pregnancy stds aids all that yes there are condoms and say you get pregnant and decide you dont want the child and decide abortion is your best option that could limit you from having children later on in life… Girl you have your whole life ahead of you party a little, get drunk a little, hook up a little, have fun and make sure thats all out of your system before you get pregnant because there will be none of that when the baby comes unless youre going to have the support of your family to watch YOUR child when you go out and party it up… Look im 15 going on 16 in november and im 3 months pregnant and i know it sound hypocritical for me to say but believe me its not the easiest thing to do. And would you be able to provide for you child the way you’ve dreamed about it, spoiling your kid with brand name things, lots of toys, would you be able to fufill there every need every wish every desire at 13…just think about it hun

Answer #14

“Teens” is a very general term. For instance, you all imagine a young girl who still lives with her parents and what not. I’m 18 years old, live with my boyfriend of 3 years and we both have good paying jobs. I also DID graduate from high school, and my boyfriend is currently going to college.

Does this still make me irresponsible? Would I be a horrible mother? My mom was 16 when she had me and I turned out very intelligent and respectful.

It’s not just about the general age, it’s about the girl themselves. Some people my age are still in high school, I’ve been living on my own for alomost a year. Do you see whatI’m saying?

You can’t just judge blindly that way. The way people are talking on here, makes everyone sound silly.

The article Sikashimmer posted is very good. If you have any more questions, you should read it or search around the internet for more answers. The only thing you’ll get here is unhelpful opinions instead of help.


Answer #15

Teens want babies sometimes so there boyfriends will stay with them!

But now most teens want to have babies because celebs do!  You have seen Ashlee simpson, angelina jolie, nicole richie, and many more! Teens think that they will get just as much attention as the celebs but teen pregnancy shouldn't be the answer to attention!    It is bad because having kids ruins your bladder, is a responibility, not easy to take care of, staying up all the time for the baby, and how can you finish school?  Most teens that have kids don't get to go to college because of their babies!      So just wait to have kids!  If you want to have sex remember that it is ok as long as you have pertection!
Answer #16

but you also have to look at it like some teen grow up before some…

Answer #17

I mean im 14 and im prego I didnt ask 4 it and I didnt do it on purpose it jus happened and im goin do the best I can for me and my child

Answer #18

that is a very good one because teenagers think having kids will make they’re lives better

Answer #19

I have no idea why there are so many young people getting pregnant. Sometimes there are situations when you can help it, but there are sooo many different ways to protect yourself. It doesn’t take much to take a few seconds out of your day to take a tiny pill, and it also doesn’t take forever to put on a condom.

Answer #20

I am 14 and pregnant I am very responsible to my age. But I got raped an I think abortions are wrong so I amgoong to keep The baby. But I do think its dumb when kids Want to have a baby

Answer #21

yes thats another reason to have someone to love

Answer #22

Ya Know I Read This To See If I Could Find Out Why I Want To Have A Baby. I’ve Been Having These Thoughts Ever Since I Was About 13 Years Old On And Off, But Then I Was Still A Virgin And Never Could Seem The Right One To Lose My Virginity To. Now I’m 17 And I’m Sorta Have These Thought More And More Often And I’m Also No Longer A Virgin But I Dont Have S*x Because I’m TryN To Have A Baby, But To Show My Love For Him. I Guess The Good Thing Is That I Realize That Now Is Not A Good Time For Me To Bring A Baby Into This World For Sevrel Reasons. But Even Though I Know That I Still Want A Baby So Bad And I Truly Get Jealous When I Find Out That Someone That I Know Is Pregnant, And I Really Aint The Jealous Type. So If AnyOne Could, Please Let Me Know Why I’ve Been Haveing These Feelings.

Answer #23

well , I can tell you why i want a (baby, child, toddler whatever you tould like to say) of my own. It’s because I think I am ready and prepared for the responsibilities of becoming a young mother. I have practically raised my nephew to the age he is, two, which i know is still very young, but one of the harder ages to deal with. I know it takes a lot of hard work, emotionally and physically, and I am prepared both ways. I have also got a pretty good education, I may only be sixteen and only in tenth grade, but I have also never failed a grade and will continue school while pregnant and after baby.

Answer #24

I totally get what your saying. I’m 16. Girls in my school that are in 8th grade, yes I said 8th grade have already had $ex. There are more 8th graders in our school that have had $ex than seniors! It’s disgusting. One of them was an old friend of mine! She use to be so innocent and sweet, but she has turned into a total wh*re. Pardon my language but that is what the eigth graders are known for in my school… “easy.” And some of them have even gotten drunk and other things like that! When I hear that stuff I am like OMG! I mean I have never done either of those things yet myself.

Answer #25

well it seems one of the phycological reasons I would like a child is because my mum never shows me that she cares. I might get it once a year. but till then I just get cursed at and ordered about like a slave. we have constant shouting matches and I just think that I can be a better mum. I want someone to love. and I just have this constant urge to hold this tiny little person in my arms and give it all the love and affection my mum never gave me. im 15 and frankly I dont give a f**k what you say, if you’v never had these feelings then you’ll never know the empty feeling and the overwhelmed feeling you get when you see a little baby.

Answer #26

That is an Excellent question! I hope it gets some good answers. A lot of young Girls see the fun side of babys, the a cuddle and soft and you can play with them. . . what they don’t see is the mood swings that can accure during and after being pregenant. or the 2 am feeding or the fact that they have to give up freedom to care for that child. . . they just see a happy loving young mother and a cooing baby. . . . . after all Raising a child is really hard. it takes 150% of your life. . . .

Answer #27

tragic rabbit, I love your response. To the question : I ve wanted a baby ever since I was a little girl. I did [on accident] get pregnant at 14, but had a miscarraige. Im 18 now and still want a baby very badly, but im waiting. It doesnt matter how old you are to want a baby, as long as the heart is there in raising it, they will be a great mother. unlike you, who say babies “ruin lives” thats disgusting talk!

Answer #28

ok well my name is tiarra I know you may think im crazy but me and my fionce want a kid we have been dating for a year and a half im 14 and we are planning on getting married when I turn 18 we know our love is true an I promise it is cause I never felt so in love and I never wanted a child do to the father not being there but I know he will aways be there and I was woundering if you can add me so we can talk cause I dont want to put the fathers name on the birth certifcate till we are married cause I can have it addopted as his and I was wondering if anyone disagries with me and I kow you prabably do but im serious about this I will be a wonderfull mother my mom dont mind as long as im sure I want to and my dad has no say so I dont want him in my life ever so I refuze to let him deside im getting old enough to plan my life.

thanks TIARRA

Answer #29

Not all teens are irresponsible, some actually can raise a child. Its all about educating yourself and having a lot of support around you, if you have that and obvisouly a job, then I dont see a problem in teen pregnancy.At all. I’m 18 and planning a child, so what?Trash me all you’d like if it makes you feel good.

Answer #30

Sometimes, teens want babies for the same reasons adult women do, which aren’t so great or responsible, like to try and cement or force continuation of a relationship, to prove adulthood or sexual development, to try and fill emotional voids or quell loneliness, because they feel mothering is the only thing they might be good at, to get attention they want but aren’t currently getting.

Here is a story that is an example: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/54821/i_planned_my_teen_pregnancy.html

In my opinion it is really sad. I want a baby right now and I’m 22 but I want to be able to give my child the things he/she wants. So we are waiting until are finances are in the right place before we conceive.

Answer #31

im 15 and a month and a half pregnant I was in a similar situation I was 13 and strung I wanted to have a child so badly because I wanted someone of my own to love and to love me back because I dont get much love from my parents, I was dying for attention I was only with my boyfriend for 8 mos and trying to become pregnant. school is very important to me so I even planned out a time I wouldve needed to concieve so I would have my child over the summer. but as I look back I wouldve been 14 having a child that I knew I wouldnt have been able to give the life I wanted my children to have. I had also wanted to become pregnant because cirvical and ovarian cancer run in my family and they all developed it at the age of 16. many teens try to have kids because they dont recieve enough love or attention from those around them, some teens have medical issues and are afraid they wont be able to have kids so they make sure they have them before these medical conditions prevent them from doing so because adoption is just not the same. Some teens do it to prove to there parents they are “responsible”, some do it because they see how happy someone else is with theres or because they have friends who have become pregnant… all are stupid reasons except maybe the medical one in my opinion but hey we are teenagers who think we know it all sometimes lol

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