Why am I so paranoid?

The last year or so, I’ve been getting really paranoid. I don’t know why its hitting me as I get older. Everything scares me, starts from something simple like I can’t go into a store myself to not being able to sleep in my room, cause I feel like something is there. I don’t like the dark at all.. I can’t even look outside when its dark. My friend was living with me for a couple months, and I figure there is something following her. Nothing paranormal ever happened in my house until she came here, and since she moved back home its happening there and not here. I don’t know, I know whatever it is, probably just my mind.. right? Nothing bad happens here, I don’t know why I’m being like this. Every night I have to get to sleep at least before 12. If I don’t, I lay in bed for hours, looking like I’m high on some kind of drugs, just looking around and listening to the smallest sounds. Why am I like this? & Is there anything I can do?

Answer #1

Personally, I think listening to soft music would make it worse as I would try and listen to sounds through the music and get paranoid about not being able to hear lol.

But I think what could work is to re-arrange your house. This worked for me, and when I later was surfing online I found out that my whole house has really anti- feng shui. Apparently that can affect the energy of the rooms.

You could try lighting candles to relax the energy in your room/ house before bed time. Also living alone freaks me out! So if you do live alone maybe get a room mate.

Answer #2

Did your friend bring an Ouija board with her? That could be the problem. Perhaps something is following this friend of yours from their past, like a crazy relative or something. Or maybe its an article of clothing you or someone you live with bought at a rummage sale that had a persons energies in it. Perhaps if you start listening to music at night, you won’t worry about activity going on around you as much. Listen to something relaxing.

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