Where were you on 9/11?

Where were you in September 11, 2001? Do you remember anything about that day? I know I was in 3rd grade..and that’s it!

Answer #1

I was driving an 18 wheeler between Orlando and Daytona Beach, towards Daytona - I couldn’t believe what I heard on the radio and I remember thinking I was glad I wasn’t witnessing it on TV at the time - I didn’t see the images for about 6hrs until I reached my destination - a very tragic day for all Americans and the world - our lives were changed forever…may God continue to richly bless America, it could have been worse !!

Answer #2

I was in first grade. I had no idea what happened and noone even told me until I got home. I know it was a bad tragedy, but I was really young and I barely even care because I dont even know half of the story. I’m really sorry about it too, but I just cant help it!

Answer #3

I was in first grade. I heard about it the next day. All of the teachers were crying when they told us. I had no idea 9/11 was that bad until a while later.

Answer #4

I was in second grade I think lol but uh I really was sick I think and nobody wanted to upset me so in 3rd grade they made me stay home (I was like really sensitive lol) and in fourth gradei finnaly heard about it on that day and like all of us fourth graders started crying.

Answer #5

I was in High School when it happened. I can remember walking down the halls hearing every TV on the news of the Twin towers at the Trade Center colapsing. All I can say, it was a shock, and a tragic day for families of loved ones who were there. We lost 3,000 people that day.

Answer #6

I was in Middle School. They told us on the intercom that there was some traffic in New York and for all students whose parent work in New York to go to the office so they can contact there parents and get rides home. They didnt tell us about the attack. During the school day I kept hearing rumors about what was really going on, so I ran home and turned on the tv…

Answer #7

I was in bev hils, were I used to live and I don’t know remember what I was doing. time difference so I don’t know. One of my city friends lost her dad. :(

Answer #8

I was in 5th grade in cherry elementary school in my morning class teacher mrs. dickson.. I remember that morning perfectly..the teacher across from us was the one who told us that our janitor had seen it in the cafeteria on tv and they ran to turn it on and put it in the classroom..it was very sad.

Answer #9

I believe I was in second grade when America was under attack. We were just studying like any ordinary day and I think we had an announcement on the intercom warning us about possible terrorism. We watched the news from the classroom. Even though we were so young, the other children and I were mortified at such dismay.

Answer #10

I was in 8th grade, in history class. A security guard came in with his scanner and he was whispering to my teacher, and then they told us what happened. My friend got upset because her mom works at the WTC. She turned out alright, thankfully.

Answer #11

an 18 wheeler?

Anyway, I was in fourth grade. I remember they turned on the television, and we watched it…

Answer #12

I was sitting in the chiroprator’s office, reading a magazine and the tv in there was on and it came up. Was shocking to hear! :( I was 30 years old.

Answer #13

I remember wanting to pick my kids up from school, not understanding what was all going on yet and just wanted to make sure they were safe.

Answer #14

I was 15, I had a late start for school that day. When I got up, my parents were in the lounge watching the news looking shocked. They told me what happened, and while it’s a horrible thing that happened, the reality is, I felt next to nothing.

When I think about it now, I can still understand how awful it was, but still I feel no strong connection to it. I’ve identified that the reason for this was that I was half a world away from what was happening, and I knew there was nothing I could do to change or help the situation. It sounds pretty mean of me, but that’s honestly how I felt.

Answer #15

Lots of questions on this site make me feel old, but this one takes the cake. I was at a meeting of The Early Learning Coalition in Pensacola, Florida. A member of the audience read the new updates to us from her pager (an explanation of “pager” at another time). At one point she said, “It fell down. The tower fell down.” I couldn’t imagine that it could be true. We stopped the meeting and the chairman suggested a moment of silence for the victims. I remember him weeping. He was a tough guy, a long time public administrator, and he cried like a child. I always liked him better after that.

Answer #16

I was in 11th grade taking the Istep test

Answer #17

!rst grade, im my class, I had no idea what was going on…

Answer #18

Why not just say semi?

Answer #19

an 18 wheeler is a semi

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