What meassurement would 4 by 9 be? stupid question sorry?

this might be a REALLY stupid question but the pool at the villa we are going to in the summer said it was 4 by 9, but its not meters because thats stupidly big, and feet is too small, so what meassurment would it be? having a blonde moment :/

Answer #1

3 by 9 in meters would only be like 13 feet by 29 feet. Which would be a fairly average sized rectangular swimming pool.

4 feet by 9 feet would be like a large hot tub.

Answer #2

if it’s in feet, it could be one of those that you swim in like a treadmill, but water.

Answer #3

that would be really small for a swimming pool… thats deffinately not it

Answer #4

4 feet by 9 inches

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