
OK Now, I realize this may seem like an odd question, but I was wondering if anyone else out there finds they always look at the clock at 11:11? I tend to often see other duplicating digits like 3:33 or 5:55, but 11:11 is the one I keep seeing. Strange, huh?

Answer #1

I always look at the clock at 11:14

Answer #2

People look at clocks at all different times, but when they see a number that means something to them, or stands out, they remember it more.

Answer #3

Have you ever noticed that clocks and watches in advertisements and illustrations often have their hands set at 10 minutes after 10? There’s lots of theories as to why that is but the most popular may be that it resembles a smile.

Answer #4

I love to watch the clock when it’s in order like that and all the same numbers. I wonder why we like it so much? I have a digital clock in my bedroom and, I’m disabled and in bed a lot so I get to see it about all those times. I like 12:34 the best.

Good question

Answer #5

I always look at 7:22.. my birthday=)

I dont even try.. just everytime I look.. it’s strange.

Answer #6

I look at the clock and its either 11:11 11:14(which is a hella funny movie) 9:11 or muh b-da 10:17 what the f*ck itz weird

Answer #7

So?…I look at clocks to see what time it is to.

Answer #8

I wish on 11:11. [:

Answer #9

I do that too with 11.11 and 9.11. It is wierd but seems to be a thing lots of people do.

Answer #10

did you know that in movies and in books its usually 12.10 now aint that wierd!!!

Answer #11

Yes, I like it when it says 8:08. I guess we just notice it when it forms a pattern that appeals to us.

Answer #12

I always seem to look at 11:11, 4:44, 3:33, etc. It’s really awkward.

Answer #13

I always look at…whatever the time is.

Answer #14

I always see it when its 11:11 and I always make a wish haha. gay yes but it’s true.

Answer #15

I ALWAYS look at 1:24 I have no idea why lol

Answer #16

lol I always look at it at 9:11, wierd

Answer #17

I always see 11:17 , aka my birthday

Answer #18

I do that too:) lol

Answer #19

xD I see 9:11 a lot, I also see 9:43 and 2:40 a lot I don’t know why

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