When did I conceive?

Here goes…I had unprotected sx December 22, 2006 and I took the morning after pill the day after PlanB. I started my period the first week of January…And then I had unprotected sx again January 16,2007. I took the morning after pill again but three days later..I was wondering when I got pregnant. I’m not sure if I was pregnant from the first time or the second…Please HELP…!!!! My due date is October 9, 2007

Answer #1

It seems that the more chance of your conception date due to your dates was the time you had unprotected sx on January 16th. Becos even after you had unprotected sx december 22nd, you got your period after that. So there is more chance you werent pregnant until you had s*x again on jan 16, then got pregnant after that.

Answer #2

well if you are due october 9th you might have gotten pregnant between? i dunno but if you go to http://www.babystrology.com and click on the babyticker ( i did this for my sister) and just put in your due date then you might have a good idea.. and congrats

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