what muder crime?

what kind of murder should my crime story be about?

Answer #1

My strange and random cerebral vomit indicates that you should write about the adrenochrome trade. It involves kidnapping people and removing their adrenal glands (fatal) and extracting adrenaline from them for processing into a drug that produces an intense fugue-style hallucinatory coma.

Think black-market body harvesting.

Answer #2

u gota read the hole thing
ok a person is driving home from work she/he hits some one egleest she/he thinks she/he dose she/he jets out of the car to see what she/he hit there was nothing there she/he turned around to go back to the car and sudenly a woman/man startels her and seays to her/him can I have a ride home. just when he/she is a the end of the he/she drive way the women/man pulls a gun and shoots the driver. thats all I can come up with have fun :-))

Answer #3

maybe a knife stabbing, if you want 2 make a harder murder maybe drowning while the murderer’s wearing gloves, or maybe poison if you want it obvious. hope this helped.

Answer #4

try a serial killer that kills people that resembled his family members due to his twisted childhood

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