What do you think will happen when you die?

What, in your own opinion (not your religions take, unless that is your EXACT opinion), will happen to you when you die? I just like knowing how other peoples minds work… :-)

Answer #1

I didn’t see the answers thedude nuked so I hope that nothing I type will be offensive.

From a consciousness point of view I think that dead is dead. After you die there is nothing else for you.

Of course part of you lives on. The ways you touched people. Your best ideas will continue in those who survive you. Your children will keep parts of you in the chain of life.

Answer #2

In my own opinion, not any religion’s teaching, I believe exactly what the Bible says about death. Read Ecclesiastes 9:5,6,10; John 11:25; Acts 24:15; and Psalm 37:29. So,basically, in my opinion, we just “fall asleep” and wait there until Jesus calls us to be resurrected to a paradise earth.

Answer #3

I believe that when we die, our minds cease to exist and our bodies return to the elements. And no, that doesn’t scare me. I find it rather peaceful.

Answer #4

I was thinking and I think there is a chance that life here is our afterlife. maybe we are here as not fully complete being because something was left behind somewhere…like the way people on here are describing our bodies being left behind.

I also do not think there is a hell. there could be a heaven but I don not believe that we are punished for anything we do because I do not believe in bad behavior. bad behavior is a matter of morals and morals are a matter of opinion and opinion holds no grounds for making like choices so therefore bad behavior cannot be held up at all.

Answer #5

I think that when I die, I will be gone for quite a while but in maybe 50 years or so come back possibly human, possibly animal but I will come back as something. I think that nobody will know it is me except those that I had a strong connection with in a past life and that that other person and I will know in our own minds that we were once close. hopefully I didnt offend, just what I believe

Answer #6

I think there’s an eternal part to us, which is known generally as the soul. it’s what makes us who we really are - we are affected by our environment, our time, our country and family etc, but the ‘core’ of our being is our soul. It’s the bit we really want to hold onto, of course.

I’m a Christian, so I believe that God’s goal for us is to spend the eternal time with him. That’s both our time on earth with him, and our time after life too. But he’s not a bully and he gives us the choice. If we choose not to spend our time on earth with him, he doesn’t force us into spending our eternity with him.

Answer #7

All of these answers prove just how beautifully diverse this website is, thanks for your opinions guys!

Answer #8

I think we will either go 2 heaven or to hell, im nt sure how but I think we will be judged in the end

Answer #9

I believe the spirit is separate from the body. The body decays and the spirit lives on; to where or what I dont have a clue.

Answer #10

I believe we will go on to another life…I hope this isnt offensive and I believe we will get a second chance!

Answer #11

I nuked the answers..if people don’t play nice, I’ll remove them from the site :)

To me, what happens is simple: you become one with the universe.

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