What happens when a person dies?

Allright so I know I’m going to get a ton of ansers that are gonna say, “heaven or hell,” right? but even thog thats probly whats going to happen NO ONE CAN BE 100% POSITIVE!!! I’m only 13 and probly not going to die for a long time but I am still very scrared to die becuase NO ONE KNOWS FOR SURE WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN!!! so I don’t really know even why I’m asking this but I’m just sooo scared…I mean death fascinates me too becuase it’s just so mystirious but it also scares me I’ve heard many different things ans seen many movies and paranormal tv shows but I’m just still so freaked out I’ve stopped watching them so much becuase they really get to my head and I’ll be so freaked out for about like a month before I’m back to normal…but I don’t know…if ANYONE COULD HELP ME IT WOULD BE AMAZING!!!

Answer #1

I strongly agree with Sweet. her answer is totally backed up the Bible

There are other, contradictory answers, backed up by other holy books. What makes them wrong, and this one right?

Answer #2

I strongly agree with Sweet. her answer is totally backed up the Bible. please don’t be afaraid of what will happen after you die cause as others have said you wont know anything. you will cease to exist.

however you need to be concerend with how you live while you are alive. Casue Jesus in the Word tells us that “… I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. (John 14:3)And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.(Daniel 12:2)

If you live By the word of God you will Go to heaven with him when he returns. God loves you and does not want you to go to hell.

Answer #3

We don’t know for sure that there is no afterlife in the same sense that you don’t know that leprechauns aren’t constantly following you around, just out of sight. It’s possible, and you can’t disprove it, but it isn’t very likely.

Answer #4

When you die, that’s simply the end of life. You just stay dead forever.

It isn’t blackness, it isn’t heaven, it isn’t hell, you just quit existing. You won’t know you’re dead, because there won’t be a ‘you’ to know it anymore, just like the billions of years that passed without notice before you were born.

Answer #5

a lot of people have Questions About death in The Bible you will find The Answer! In Ecclesiastes 9:5 It Says, For the Living are conscious that they will die, but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages because the remebrance of them has been forgotten.

And In JOhn 11:11-14, 23-26 Jesus was speaking to Lazarus sister after he died and he told her that he is sleeping. Jesus Told martha (the sister ) that Lazarus will rise, Martha said to him “I Know he Will Rise in the Resurrection on the last day”

So we can see that when we die is like been asleep thats how Jesus described it. when he are asleep we are not conscious or no whats going on, So When you hear about ghost their not people who have died, Its satan and he’s demons who want to trick people into thinking its people! The bible says that Satan is the Governor of this system we live in. He Wants to trick and decieve people because Armaggedon is Coming (Revelation 16:14,16)

if you have any more Questions Fun-Mail me!

Answer #6

How do you know it is probably going to happen that you end up in heaven or hell? Probability wise, a fantastical place in the sky or beneath the ground which is constantly burning and has the capacity to hold every person (do dogs go to heaven?) who has ever been alive (how about miscarriages? are the fetuses alive?) is not very probable. It is possible. But high improbable. As far as I’m concerned, nothing happens. Your dead. End of story. But that is simply my opinion.

Answer #7

I for one believe that when one dies, our spirit is then released. I think of our bodies as being a host for the spirit. I think when you die you come to realize that the world is just a place where your spirit has grown and in time learned the traits of life. :) hoped this has helped you. and P.S. I love scarry and creepy, mysteriuous things as well :)

Answer #8

No one on this site can tell you what happens when you die. None of us have died before. Of course there are different beliefs and a lot of it depends on your religion. You will get answers based on every persons religion or spiritual beliefs. However, since none of us have died then we can’t tell you for sure what is going to happen. However, don’t be scared. Death happens to everyone. It’s not worth it to spend all your life worrying about death.

Answer #9

After death God will judge you ! If you were good person and have believeded in God and his latest Prophet you will be in Heaven. If not you will be in Hell.

So for not believing in him in the absense of all evidence, he’ll torture us for all eternity? How can any crime, however heinous, deserve an eternity of torture?

Answer #10

The crime : if you haven’t believed in God who created you to worship him alone.

I’m only on earth for a finite period of time. How can a finite amount of failure-to-believe (especially without any evidence for his existence whatsoever) deserve eternal torture? How can anything warrant eternal torture? Isn’t that a really evil thing to do?

Life is short and God created you and gave live life to live on this earth just to worship him

How incredibly narcissistic of him. You seriously worship a being who you believe created you solely so you could sing his praises? He sounds like a psychopath.

Answer #11

When you die you will go to the grave. In the grave there will be punishment or pre-paradise. It depends on what you did in your life which is basically a test to see whether you should go to heaven or hell. The punishment of the grave is like a pre-hell until the Day of Judgement comes then you will be sent to either heaven or hell. The reward in the grave is like a mini- paradise (pre-heaven) until the Day comes.

For more details and/or questions please funmail me !:)

Answer #12

When you die you will go to the grave. In the grave there will be punishment or pre-paradise

I guess I’d better order a large casket, then, or it could get cramped.

Answer #13

Did anyone has ever come back from death to life? The Bible talks about 9 resurrected ones. Can we believe it’s testimony? We should check that testimony as one would do it in a court of justice. Can it be done? I believe it can

Answer #14

only if we do it we can do away with a lot of fear. (Hebrews 2:15).

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