Do you ever get upset when people talk and won't shut up during a movie when you're trying to concentrate?

Answer #1

Yep! Usually if it gets unbearable, I’d just tap their shoulder and ask them to shush, politely of course.

Answer #2

honestly i am that annoying person who wont stop running their mouth

Answer #3

Yup. I usually just shout at them to shut up (because they’re usually across the theater, not because I like shouting). Sometimes I’ll get up and tell an employee if they’re teenagers because teenagers piss me off and I like upsetting them xD

Answer #4

I would totally “accidentally” drop my king sized soda in your lap.

Answer #5

ahah my boyfriend does this alllllll the time. i think its funny.. but like he never shuts up.. but it is soo cute and funny tho.. but i mean when ideas pop in his head like if sumone says im german he will be like iche le dube or sumthin like that means i love you idkk aha i forget., but yea hahaha like weird things will come into his mind that ppl say in the movie.. and he has to tell me rite there or he willl get frustrated lol

Answer #6

I hate it so much! It has gotten so bad that I refuse to go to movies now. I swear, people have no manners when it comes to movie etiquette. I don’t think its funny, clever, or cute. I find it rude, obnoxious, and annoying. People don’t pay their hard earned money to listen to you run your trap the entire time.

Answer #7

Yeah,that happened the last time I went to the movies.Everytime a chick would appear on screen the guy behind me would say how he’d ‘hit that’ or some remark along those lines.He was also talking to the person who he was with about his addictions or something.It was really rude and inconsiderate.

Answer #8

dude ur a teenager too ^^

Answer #9

You act like you’re proud. I would literally ‘accidentally’ step on your head when I got up to ask the manager to kick you out.

Answer #10

All the more reason to hate them.

Answer #11

well it depends for me….i personaly think if they whisper so that u cannot hear them during the loud part but if they are rude SOBS and talking during the softer partsd of a movie then i tell them STFU lol jk i ask them to be quite but one time i threated to rip out a guys tounge cuz he was way other the top using his phone and all and it really pi ss ed me off ><

Answer #12

well it depends for me….i personaly think if they whisper so that u cannot hear them during the loud part but if they are rude SOBS and talking during the softer partsd of a movie then i tell them STFU lol jk i ask them to be quite but one time i threated to rip out a guys tounge cuz he was way other the top using his phone and all and it really pi ss ed me off ><

Answer #13

haha of course who wouldn’t. but what irritates me more is when you watched the movie b4 and the person your watching it with hasn’t and they ask you a hundred question or try to predict whats next.” Just watch the movie!’ i always yell lol or the person who has seen the movie and you haven’t and they tell you all good parts b4 they happen in them movie or tell the ending like who the killer is, thus ruining the movie for you.

Answer #14

Yah its really annoying luckily it doesn’t seem to happen much to me when I go to the movies.

Answer #15

Yeahh, it is really really annoying and rude! I mean you go to the movies to watch the film and then after you can talk.

Answer #16

I couldn’t agree with you more on that point, and some make it a point to talk loud so everyone can hear it as if what they have to say is so important. Great answer.

Answer #17

Well I have my bad habits too, my gf gets pissed at me for falling asleep everytime we go to the movies. Mind you she always picks what we watch, so that has a lot to do with it lol.

Answer #18

I hear you on that, I will be polite and ask them to please tone it down.

Answer #19

Haha, oh that is so annoying, my gf is the type that likes to go to the end of a book to find out what happens, then she will read it. Don’t you just want to slap them sometimes lol.

Answer #20

Nice! Sometimes you have to get in peoples faces. I had 2 16 year old’s behind me once who were just so rude and was pissing off my gf. I tell them nicely to please quiet down and watch the language, one talks back at me so I then stand and glare at them (I’m 6’3 and in good shape) and what a surprise they move along elsewhere lol.

Answer #21

I mentioned something lit that to DanteLicious just above your post, that I will speak up especially if there are kids around.

Answer #22

Haha, my gf doesn’t think it’s cute when I fall asleep on every movie she chooses…I just can’t watch a chick-flick lol. I need action or horror for me to stay awake, but she always gets the final word.

Answer #23

Nice, have you ever come close to fighting with some of them, especially the real big time deuche-bags who wants to prove a point..

Answer #24

Polite is always the way I handle it too, until you sometimes have to be a little more forceful.

Answer #25

You got it lucky, most times when I go there is always that one person who just won’t shut up.

Answer #26

Sleeping is less disruptive than talking, haha :P

Answer #27

Yes D: And, not only does it annoy the hell out of me in the theatre, but my brother once had a gf that he’d bring over on scheduled movie nights at home and she’s talk through the whole d*mn thing. And he would just sit there, staring at the screen like he could actually hear what was going on o.e! (sigh)

Answer #28

XD I have a buddy like that. We were watching “Date Night”, and he talked through the first 30 minutes non stop. Then he had the nerve to say “Hey, whats going on in this movie? Hmm….Its not keeping my attention very well.” I just sighed. -_-

Answer #29

No connor, its not, if u hear the way my dad sleeps, no its more disruptive than talking in a movie xD

Answer #30

haha yes, my boyfriends like that! minus the book part. he’s terrible. and know what worse? he usually guesses the ending like the killer even though he’s never watched the movie he guesses right, so its kinda the same effect of him watching it b4 and telling me lol

Answer #31

Haha, his gf did something like that once too :P I didn’t sigh though, I went “uuugghhh!” And then wanted to rip her head off :D Also, I have this friend who can never remember who anyone is in the movie. It’s like, when they change scenes and the same character is, say, wearing a hat, she’ll be like - “Now, wait, did they introduce this person yet?” xD

Answer #32

But sometimes sleep is required during sucky movies till your gf smacks you on the chest to wake up haha,

Answer #33

awhh aha.. atleast you give her the final word lol.. i mean my boyfriend loves ice age and he is 15… i mean finee. aha but we always make fun of it .. and like characters on the show are like ppl at school so we laugh even harder.. idk we are crazyyy

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