Did I deserve that?

Im single… My boyfirned of a year adn a half dumped me for another girl.. Did I deserve that?

Answer #1

Well we dont actually know what your relationship was like, so it’s a little hard to say whether you deserved it or not. Also he may simply have fallen out of love, or in love with someone else. No one’s fault…

Answer #2

Absolutely not! Men in my experience are self-centred and don’t even grow up till they’re in their 30s. If this guy can’t see how great you are, then he’s so not worth it! xx

Answer #3

It depends on what you did, or if you didn’t do anything at all. If you did something, please explain (even if its something he made up) and if you cant think of a reason, only thing I can think is he was just bored, in which case you did nothing wrong.

Answer #4

Really depends what you did. Your not tellin a story. Just suming it up.

Answer #5

if you cheated on him then yeah otherwise no, no-one deserves it

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