Who has trouble sleeping at night?

I know I do… What do you do that helps?

Answer #1

i do but sometimes you just have to lay there for abit. if not then just get up, no need to stress. try having a drink or sommin

Answer #2

I like to listen to soft music or meditative sounds, or look at guided imagery; pictures of things that are relaxing and soothing. Also, rituals to help you be sleepy: I try not to drink caffeine or eat after a certain time every night. I’ve found in the past, when I have eaten or been drinking soda too close to going to bed, its kept me awake and in some cases made my stomach hurt. Also, the light you’re exposed to before you go to bed plays a big part in it; if you use a lap top or read by a bright light, your eyes can be fooled and make your brain think it’s day time, keeping you from falling asleep. If you use your bed for things like watching TV or using a laptop, or anything besides sleeping, you’re also sabotaging yourself. You’re associating your bed as something you don’t sleep in.

Answer #3

Music helps me. Just quiet calm music.

Answer #4

well considering it’s 3:34 in the morning i do haha

Answer #5

and for me personally nothing helps, i either watch the bernstaine bears or arthur though to at least have my in a happy mindset haha:)

Answer #6

I have that alot or you go to sleep in wake up but your still sleepy all day! i hate it I have the worst sleep paterns in the world Lol

Answer #7

I do. I’d say that the best method is to get up drink some water, wash your face with cold water, and then sit down in front of an open window and breathe in some fresh air.

Try to relax, and think happy thoughts.

Answer #8

I read or study if I really cannot sleep. Studying helps because it makes me super bored and reading helps because it makes me super relaxed. Do something which relaxes you.

Just make sure that you stay away from the TV and computer at least half an hour before bedtime. Else you might not fall asleep because your brain is too active.

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