The Nature of Evil

We all know that evil exists, as we see it all around us on a daily basis. and it takes many forms, always trying to distort reality, and consume, the affections of the one it is attacking. I def. believe in the reality of demons, just as I believe in the reality of angels, I think if we were more open to the reality of the supernatural, and how it affects us, we could make more spiritual progress.

We as a society, tend to label things, in convenient compartments, following various remedies, etc. to try and find a cure, when I feel it boils down to a simple understanding of the nature of evil, and how it affects the human race, as a whole.

How many forms can evil be found?

How many ways can it distort, what is right and good ?

How succeptible are we to evil, in all its forms?

Who is suceptible ?

The ones in our society that are very strong, denounce evil, and pretend it does not exist.

But, what about the ones that it does effect?

Who will help them?

Who will come to their aid?

Where can they find the answers that they seek?

Do they not matter?

What makes one vunerable to evil?

How does evil enter ?

What is the power that keeps evil at bay?

Just because we have not been affected by a cetain problem, does not mean that that problem, does not exist.

Answer #1

“” We all know evil exist”” Only in the human mind. Not in nature

I, As a Wiccan, don’t believe in evil in nature. Man can do terrible things but its that person not an evil presents or evil being behind it.

We are responsible for our actions and we are responsible to ourselves

Answer #2

There’s a difference between believing people can do evil, believing that evil exists as some separate entity (which seems to be the attitude when people talk about ‘fighting evil’ etc), and believing in angels and demons.

The first is pretty obviously true. The last two have absolutely no evidence for them.

Answer #3

I don’t believe in evil :S The stuff like Satan and other crap suchlike. The crap that happens will happen. seriously. Not everyone is going to be your friend. You have to accept that.

Answer #4

I think too many people try and blame “evilness” or “satan” for things going bad in the world.

Answer #5

If you don’t see evil… then, you must have blinders on. Good & Evil are man made things, I don’t see how one can be blind by seeinng the true bature of things. You are the blind one being too comsumed in your creed to see the fantastic colors beyond your black & white curtains. Look out in anture, what animals would you consider good & evil?? There is none, they just do what they need to do to survive, they do what they do what they feel is right. It’s no different than humans, humans are animals after all. Good & evil is a point o fview thing, thus being all in the mind, an opinion, not a fact. Wake up & to the real world silverwings!

Answer #6

In heaven there is no evil, right? And yet, no-one in heaven is complaining that the lack of evil there deprives them of free will, right?

So, if the lack of evil is fantastic in heaven and does not deprive heaven’s residents of their precious free-will, then why does god not simply make all of creation just like heaven - an evil free zone?

Don’t you dare say “free will”, you already agreed that isn’t an issue in the evil-free zone of heaven.

Answer #7

How would you define “being open” to something? If you mean “willing to believe in it without evidence”, then I’d have to disagree. If you mean “prepared to accept it with sufficient evidence”, then shouldn’t that be the default position of everyone?

In short, if you can’t provide compelling evidence for the existence of something, why should I believe it exists?

Answer #8

I think if we were more open to the reality of the supernatural, and how it affects us, we could make more spiritual progress.

I’m considered to be pretty open minded. But being open minded about things that have no solid evidence of existing (angels, demons, etc) is just not going to happen. I make plenty spiritual progress being rational, and that means disregarding the nonsensical and forming guidelines to live by based on what I know to be true- ie: things backed up by solid evidence.

Answer #9

If you don’t see evil… then, you must have blinders on.

Answer #10

I do not recognize things as being “evil” there are things that happen that are truly unfortunate, and may be labeled “bad”, as well as things that are “good” and wonderful.

that statement made- “evil” depends heavily on perspective.

depending on which side you are on is going to allow you to make that definition.

the many wars that have been fought, each side believed what they were doing was “just” and “good” and yet ask one side to define the other , and you would recieve the “evil” answer.

to the innocent townsfolk of salem MASS. their accusers and judges could be defined by them (as well as history) as “evil”- to the judges the accused were “evil”

to a rabbit, the owl could be considered “evil”- to a farmer, the rabbit could be considered “destructive” and “evil” -things all depend on perspective.

in nature there is no “good” or “evil” there simply is survival on a daily basis- and the instinct to do what you need to do. ( and to not second guess or lament over your decisions)

enter HUMAN MORALITY- which gives us the power to discern “right” and “wrong” and is ours because of our more developed brain.

so to arrive at something being “evil” you must have someone be the “judge” and dictate to others what is “good” or “evil”- history has shown time and again the power wielded by such individuals- and the blind “faith” and “devotion” of the masses. who among us is a trustworthy “judge” 100% correct every single time? (no one is that good)

demonic possession- “evil” or the outward manifestation of a troubled mind? someone who is acting out because of their circumstances- maybe they have suffered some kind of abuse- would that acting out be considered “evil” or a “cry for help”?

VLAD THE IMPALER- “evil” madman or saviour of his country? diiferent perspectives give different anwers.

to the followers of islam- is christianity “good” or “evil”- now ask the christian where islam falls.

the catholic church- some denominations say “evil” some say “good” who is right?

I believe that if there is “evil” in this world- it resides in the minds of those who are being misled, in ignorance, in intolerance, and “evil” is just another tool to frighten and decieve people, to take away their own sense of morality- and replace it with someone elses ideas- to some sinister end.

Answer #11

The people who committed 9-11 are often called evil. The reality might be more serious than that.

These people had a strong believe in a notion that projected a supernatural claim; a task given by God. Their inability to distinguish reality from illusion allowed them to be persuaded to act as they did.

In their deluded and confused state of mind, they considered you and your fellow Americans evil. Do not forget that!

They allowed themselves to be deluded and confused because they choose to follow their religious masters and their visions in extraordinary gullibility. They might not have been evil people per se, but they did not care to examine the supernatural claim to the reference of verifiable reality and they were ignorant and undignified to do so. The consequences were despicable and their methods certainly evil. They were deeply wrong.

The above is an extreme example and I have no doubt that you are a peace-loving person, but it is nearly frightening to see you juggling, in undoubtable sincerity, with notions of a supernatural illusion and reality. Please stop it! You have much more dignity than that!

Answer #12

I think evil in some sense does exist..for certian. which is tremendously sad. The nature of evil befuddles me really. I think it has something to do with evolving. Some beings are ready to evolve. Kinda like some of us get it. So that confuses me cause, what about this oneness thing? If we are all one, and some are progressing faster then other what are we to do? The one’s that are evolving in intelligence, compation, communication, and understanding of all in general…are left to …wait for the others who aren’t?
Maybe the evolved beings will stay here on earth, a beautiful and wonderful place if weren’t for …evil or less evolved beings, and the evil ones or the unevolved folks will be sucked up to another place. A safe place, just not here…anymore. Then all the evil folks can live with each other and figure out that it’s just not a great environment, and then…maybe then they too, will evolve. The good ones, have had enough of the evil ones, and the evil ones can’t make it in our world and vice versa. there has to be a split now. maybe that’s what 2012 will bring.

Answer #13

Excellent answer by baldinwolf. Evil is very much a relative concept, and depends on perception, among other things.

Take Adolf Hitler. He is considered by many to be one of the most evil people that ever lived. We can attribute his actions to Satanic/demonic influence, for which there is no proof or reason to accept. Or, we can attempt to understand why he believed as he did, how he spread such beliefs, and how he was able to implement them as policy. If we can understand that, wouldn’t we be better off? Knowledge, reason, and observation are the best ways to increasing understanding of any concept or phenomenon.

Answer #14

The noun ‘reality’ means: the world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.

The adjective ‘supernatural’ describes: a manifestation or event attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature.

The key phrase in your argumentation; “…the reality of the supernatural…”, is a contradiction in terms and can not be taken seriously.

Apparently you have made several decisions in your live regarding reality that now have you so profoundly confused that you must resort to angelical gobbledygook.

Have you ever considered that you might be wasting your life?

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