Why do a lot of people think wicca's are evil

Everyone criticizes wicca’s just for being different why is that

Answer #1

*influencing energy patterns? unexplainably? which cant be proven since it cant be perceived physically. By thoughts and intentions, and thats not supernatural at all?


Energy is a physical thing… you can see and feel it… and yes it is possible (if you know how ) to control your energy and by doing so you can change the surrounding energy for a different out come. thats why people that have extreme illnesses get better when they wish and want to get better… rather than people who give up.

Answer #2

It is because people don’t understand it so they fear it. But because they fear it they won’t try to understand it and in their ignorance they make stupid and sometimes dangerous assumptions. It doesn’t help that the bible is against it. And England (it’s where I happen to live) was a christian country at one point and no good christian wants to go against the word of god and suffer an eternity in torture. Oh wait… that’s fear again.

the reason is that magic in general has history. many stories, experiences, on all parts of earth, there are people who talk of magic. positive things, but mostly negative things.

Of course it’s mostly negative things, it’s just like today with car crashes and other awful things. It’s given too much attention in the media. If it ain’t bad it ain’t gonna make the news. After all good news is just not worth watching.

if you believe in magic, then you believe in non-physical, supernatural power

How about magick is the ability to influence energy patterns to gain a certain outcome? Nothing supernatural about that.

than why not keep an open mind to more? per say, an extremely, powerful, creator?

That right there I would class as you trying to convert, conform, whatever. YES most wiccans have at least one diety if not more than one.

Answer #3

if you believe in magic, then you believe in non-physical, supernatural power. and if you believe in supernatural powers, then even you I assume understand that there must be some supernatural force, that is helping you succeed. be that a demon, or the devil, or even if you believe its God or some ghost, maybe even Mother Nature herself, some thing, is helping you. and if those exist, those supernatrual powers, than why not keep an open mind to more? per say, an extremely, powerful, creator?

This is a good example of someone that is trying to convert you. There is nothing wrong in being a Wiccan. This is coming from a Wiccan, and an ex Christian. We do not judge you Christians so why should we be judged? Everyone has a right to believe in whatever they want. There is nothing demonic in our religion since we don’t even believe in “demons” or “hell” or “satan”. How can we be something we are not even focusing about??

Second of all, people just look at all the bad things. If we looked at all the bad things in Christians then we would hate them. They worhship someone that they nailed onto a cross. We don’t go around stateing that fact, do we? I know I don’t. Everyone has the right to believe in whatever they want.

People need to read up on the Wicca belief so they can understand what we do and how we believe in no evil. The great good.

Believe in what you want and don’t listen to anyone that has negative thoughts about you. Be youself.

Answer #4

How about magick is the ability to influence energy patterns to gain a certain outcome? Nothing supernatural about that.

influencing energy patterns? unexplainably? which cant be proven since it cant be perceived physically. By thoughts and intentions, and thats not supernatural at all?


Answer #5

because they are christians..christains think thongs are evil!

..lol..back that one up with a verse to prove thats what Christians believe before declaring it so.

the reason is that magic in general has history. many stories, experiences, on all parts of earth, there are people who talk of magic. positive things, but mostly negative things.

like in mexico, they have something called curanderos, or healers. they use white magic for supposedly good reasons.

but there is also history of black magic. used intently to hurt people, cast curses and the like.

people fear it. thats why they attack you. your just going to have to understand that there is history of magic that caused a lot of problems in the past.

ofcourse nobody has a right to judge you, and they are wrong for doing so. but keep in mind that some people are doing it out of what they think is good also. they think they are trying to help you. so dont go off on every single person that tries to put their 2 cents in. just look at their intentions.

I think you should do as you please. it is your free will.

I give you this advice, or better yet thought (since I do not know if Wiccans believe in a God or not):

if you believe in magic, then you believe in non-physical, supernatural power. and if you believe in supernatural powers, then even you I assume understand that there must be some supernatural force, that is helping you succeed. be that a demon, or the devil, or even if you believe its God or some ghost, maybe even Mother Nature herself, some thing, is helping you. and if those exist, those supernatrual powers, than why not keep an open mind to more? per say, an extremely, powerful, creator?

Answer #6

Because people are ignorant.

Answer #7

because they are christians..christains think thongs are evil! nothing wrong with you or your beliefs…worship nature…worship anton lavey…worship elvis…it doesnt matter! you are free!

Answer #8

people are scared of what they dont truly understand.

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