Teddy Bears in heat

How long are dogs tipically in heat? And how often?

Answer #1

21 days. 7 going in, 7 in heat and 7 going out. But don’t take any chances keep her up for 21 days. I even wait until the swelling is gone. If I don’t want my girl bred I make double sure Mother nature won’t fool us.

Answer #2

Dogs go into heat 2-3 times per year depending on the breed, Teddy Bears are small so you may see 2 per year. The heat starts with the vulva swelling noticably. 2-3 days after you see the swelling the actual bleeding will start. This can last 5-14 days again depending on breed and you will notice it go from bright red to dull brown. The brown signalling the end of the heat. Once this starts, you really need to take precautions since this is when the dog can become pregnant.

Answer #3

Till they don’t want to be in heat anymore! Then afterwards they will move!

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