Stupid selfishness

I want this new phone sooo bad but I already have an amazing phone!! Its just a little big. My dad says im being selfish because I want a new phone when no one except movie stars have my phone. Hes not saying that I cant have it, hes just saying that I seem selfish. Should I not care and get the phone or do what he wants me to do with the money?

Answer #1

The ball is in your court - only you know whether your Dad is right…Take care !!

Answer #2

your not in the wrong but come on lots of people would kill to have a awesome phone so just wait a longer time and eventually you will get what you want

Answer #3

Literally! good one cupcake5 some one would love the phone you have now… If you don’t really need a new one … then why bother?

Answer #4

well kinda…just learn to appreciate what you have..bc not everyone has one..and well do whatever you pleeze..but try to understand why your dads saying that..

Answer #5

if you think your dads wrong, why don’t you get a job? then you can save up and buy what you want. I started working when I was 15 to have some spending money…

if you have a phone, I suggest that you look after it…and remember, your dad has to earn the money to buy that stuff, so, yes, you are being selfish! get a job and buy your own phone with your own money, your dad will probably have more respect for you for trying and get it for you anyway…

poor dad! I’d confiscate my kids phone if he ever came across that ungrateful to me!

Answer #6

lol… I would sooo say greedy… a lot of people would kill to have an awesome phone, never mind the phone but the money to be able to afford sh*t like this… I am 18 I have lived on my own since I was 14… I have the motorrola V3 razr… there is nothing wrong with it… sure its an older and discontinued phone… but I love it to bitz and it has done me good for so long now!!! way over a year already…but my point is that why waste money on something that is going to come out different every couple of months… why dont you wait to get the new phone that you want.. if it just…JUST came out… wait for a little while until the phone is a little bit older so that all the problems and malfunctions can be fixe so you dont have to worry about wasting your money! buuut.t… sll aside… do what you will!

Answer #7

You need to take a look at the first mobile phones - they were big heavy suckers - it would make you realise how small is the phone you have right now.

In fact they were so big they could be used as offensive weapons without being classified as such… that is how one guy actually tried to sell me such a phone !

No way it would fit in your pocket either - it would be hanging down and bulging like a can of soda !

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