How to lose my stomach fat?

Okk. Uhmm is it possible to lose stomach fatt when you can’t stop yur cravings. So I’m so determined to lose it, start doing a lot more push ups, crunchies, lunges and stuff. But sometimes during that same week I decide to cut the junk food out. I can’t help it but eat a little piece of chocolate.. one little piece leads to another little piece! Ahhh. I dont have a lot of fat, just a lil bit which sticks out…

< and I dont like itt! it’s gross. I really want to lose it by Valentines Day! Help pleasee!

Answer #1

You are very skinny already so don’t cut out to much chcolate .. limit yourself if you really like it have a little piece a day so you won’t get cravings from it and if cravings do keep occuring I suggest chewing ice, because it fills you up and you don’t crave it anymore. As for wanting to lose belly fat I suggest cradio training I suggest doing the sprint walk method. It’s where you sprint for about 30 seconds then walk for about 2 mins and do this for about 10 mins every second day and some curchnes and you should be find. Also if you ever watch tv try doing push ups crunches in front of your tv so you workout while you watch. Anyways another really good exersice to lose tummy fat is the bicycle where you start by lying on your back lift both your legs and your arms and touch your left arm to right leg vice versa. It works well and if you don’t understand my description you can just google it and it will show up anyways good luck!

Answer #2

yes, you look really skinny, but then again. so do I. but I would suggest running and cardio excercices. running should help burn off fat. thats what my health teacher told me. also, do many crunches, its hurts, but hey, its good. think of then pain as improvemnet.

Answer #3

I don’t think you should even worry about loosing weight. By the look of your pictures you are hella skinny and you shouldnt even be thinkning about loosing weight.

Answer #4

If what you want to do is tone up and get rid a little belly fat, try replacing your sweets with a lowfat high protein bar, I eat Met-Rx Protein Plus to satify my sugar cravings. Also, in order to get rid of extra fat in your abodomen area you need to include cardio at least 5 days a week because just crunches and ab excercises dont work. I do 30 mins of cardio 6 days a week, I eat 6 -300 cal meals a day which I eat a protein bar for 2 of those meals, I also include weight training to create lean mucsle mass. You can buy the protein bars at wal-mart or GNC. I’ve been doing this for 2 1/2 weeks and I’ve begun to get really sexy abs and flat stomach, good luck to you!

Answer #5

I think the best way is excercise,stomach crunches are great,I was 14 stone 4 months ago,I ate a lot of sweet stuff so new years day I said thats it,time to get fit,so I cut out sweets and chocolate,I bought natalie cassidys excercise dvd and did it 6 days a week,now it was really hard at the start but it gets easier,now 4 months later im 9 1/2 stone,im 5 ft 9,I’ve never been fitter,I still had a bit of a tummy tho so I started to do 20 extra stomach crunches a day aswell as the dvd and I can really notice the difference,all you really need is motivation and willpower,just think of the fit sexy body you cud have.

Answer #6

please don’t get affended but your really hot. ^_~

Answer #7

There are many ways to loose weight . So you don’t have to worry . First of all make a proper diet plan and then follow it strictly . Remove unhealthy fat products from your meal and do exercise because it helps you lot . It burns your extra calories .

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