Should Kathy Griffin's remarks about Jesus be censored?

When comedienne Kathy Griffin won an Emmy she said, “a lot of people come up here and thank Jesus for this award. I want you to know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus.” She held up her Emmy and proclaimed, “This award is my god now!”

E! will edit her “offensive” remarks from their telecast.

Regardless of wheter you agree or disagree with her remarks or if you consider them in poor taste should they be censored? If like so many others she thanked God or Jesus there would be no controversy. Say the opposite and you find yourself censored. How impartial is our media if they only allow one side be expressed?

Answer #2

Correction to the original question - what Kathy Griffin actually said: “A lot of people come up here and thank Jesus for this award,” she declared. “I want you to know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus. So, all I can say is, ‘Suck it, Jesus.’ This award is my god now.”

Fact not fiction: She mocked Jesus Christ.

Answer #3

Definition of Mock:

to subject to usually bitter or contemptuous ridicule

an insincere, contemptible, or impertinent imitation (Su-k it, Jesus)

something ridiculously or impudently unsuitable

to treat with contempt or ridicule : DERIDE, DEFY, CHALLENGE

Answer #4

animallover828, since you asked me directly - according to the Bible, a person has a choice to make - they either accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior or reject Him - if you read it, it’s perfectly clear that both have eternal consequences - there is no dispute that it indeed says just that - a fact…I wish you the best !!

Answer #5

captainassassin, I can’t beleive one of your supreme intellect would make such a mistake: WHO determines if its UNSUITABLE? NOBODY - did you forget Jesus, who died, rose again the 3rd day and today sits at the right hand of God at this very moment and who shall return ? - WHO determines if its UNSUITABLE? JESUS !! - though clearly not in your superior intellectual league, I would submit: There is none so blind as one who will not (refuses to) see…Jesus paid the price for your sins on that cross also…I hope you won’t always reject - I may not be earthly smart like you, but I know that I know and in whom I believe - as to why other Christians on this site don’t stand up, I don’t know, but this one will not cower.

Answer #6

I like Kathy a lot, even if she does put down people from the south. I don’t think she should be censored. And, besides, there should either be censorship or not be censorship. It can’t be one-sided based on certain peoples beliefs.

Answer #7

FWIW, I didn’t censor Ms. Griffins’s remarks. I asked my question after the first article I read about the controversy that didn’t include that line. Still, my question remains, if she said somethinkg glorifying Jesus there would be no controversy, but she said something mocking Jesus. Is Fox right censoring one opinion but allowing another? I’m not questioning if Ms. Griffin’s remarks are true, or even if they are in good taste; but if Fox should censor them merely because some people who hold the opposite opinion might be offended. Dennis Miller says lots of things I violently disagree with but I’d never suggest he be censored just because he ruffles my feathers.

Fox it seems has shown its true intentions by also censoring Sally Field. Ms. Field said, “If mothers ruled the world, there would be no Goddamned wars in the first place.” Fox cut off everything after no… Some might argue that Fox cut her off for saying Goddamned but Fox commentators say Goddamned without being censored; they could also have just bleeped out the word in question if they wanted to. Is it the word that was censored or the idea?

Answer #8

She wasn’t mocking The Jeez, she was simply doing what she ALWAYS does; she goes for shock value, in place of actual comedic talent, in hopes that the negative press will somehow defibrillate her dying career. Which it isn’t…

Answer #9

It’s not really blasphemy if she doesn’t practice that religion. You can only commit a sin if it’s part of your religion, or at least that’s my opinion. I don’t think that her little bit was this attack on Jesus or God or Christianity in general so much as she was making fun of a common thing that we see and have made fun of before – people thanking God for things and it being completely ironic (like rappers thanking God for giving them the strength to be able to produce an album that idolizes money and expensive jewlery and belittles women, etc..).

Kathy makes remarks about everyone. She very rarely goes and makes a joke about any religion. All of her fans are different and are from different areas and practice different beliefs and have different colored skin and have different sexualities etc., so I really don’t understand why everyone makes such a big deal over her saying something that may be true for her (God had nothing to do with her award) in a light hearted manner as opposed to everyone laughing when she makes fun of arabs because of the terrorists and mocks the gays and so on and so forth.

This is like anything else in television; certain things get cut according to the majority of the people who watch the shows and bring in the ratings. If you have someone as fearless and testing as Kathy Griffin making risky comments about God on a station like E! where there’s most likely more religious people watching, they’ll cut her remarks to prevent offense of the viewers and keep their ratings. If it were HBO, Cinemax, IFC, or any of those channels then you’d never see those remarks cut. Why? Because there’s a different audience. Different channels exist because each one tends to a different kind of audience. It’s the same reason we have a country music channel and a rock music channel and a hip hop music channel.

I don’t believe it’s an issue worth starting a war over. Censorship happens. If you don’t like it, chances are there’s another channel that is going to run that program uncut.

Answer #10

no, she’s funny. even if she wasn’t funny…no censorship. we, as a nation, have swung so far to the right…tisk. tisk. I miss the old days. and I don’t want to hear that about “what if she had said ‘Su-k it A-lah’ you’re saying there would be no outrage ? - where are the Rev, I say again, Rev Sharpton and the Rev Jackson ?” I am sure that su-k it A-lah would offend you deeply, or is it just about G-d?

Answer #11

it’s a free country i think it should not be. When i say free i don’t mean we should allow everything but thats not something thats gona hurt the country or nothing plus if we can for jesus why not agianst him

Answer #12


Yeah, and WHO determines if its UNSUITABLE? NOBODY! We fall right back into that OPINION HOLE! Where nothing is resolved, and no one can prove anything.

Answer #13

lol captain– I disagree about the little benefit – when I saw her last November she looked great! - she looked pretty and fit too.- It was just her foul mouth that was ugly, lol.

Answer #14

I think she’s addicted to ‘laser-whitening’ and ‘fake-tanning’ …have you seen her teeth? They look radioactive! And she’s also had waaay too much plastic surgery, and for very little benefit.

Hmmm… I hope she kept the receipts…

Answer #15

I think that they should show her comments on TV because she let her true character out and she should gain the reward for that. If she offends many of her religious fans it could hurt her and if the people watching agree with her she might get some new fans but either way I think the broadcast should include her comments.

Answer #16


Answer #17


Answer #18

Wanted to add – I’ve seen WAY more “offensive” stuff when it comes to religion on shows like The Simpsons and Family Guy – I’ve been watching these syndicated reruns lately and I can’t believe what they get away with saying! - I guess because they are cartoons – but all I know is I no longer let my younger children watch them even though they are on as early as 6:00pm now. What do you think about these shows - I know they are funny, but definately offensive sometimes and NOT for children!

Answer #19

I don’t think it should be censored because there was no profanity, it’s ridiculous if something is censored solely because it might offend someone – are you sure it’s not being censored because she said “F” every other word? I’ve seen her live show, and was really surprised at how much profanity she uses.. –Funny story about the show I went to- I had an extra ticket so my friend’s sister came with us - she is a born again Christian and thought we were going to see Kathy Lee Gifford! lmao– she was a bit shocked and disappointed!

Answer #20

I agree with mamkat. Prime-time is waaay more offensive than Kathy Grifin. And to amblessed, doesn’t the bible say “Judge not, that ye be not judged”? No I’m not religious, I am in fact Athiest, but am I going to Hell? I’d like to think so if it does exist, but you have no right to pass final opinion on anyone according to your God. =] And what she said was just a bit of religious humor that’s majorly common today. And what’s up with this “Suck it [insert either deity here]”? If I went by your standards, I think you’re being offensive by saying “Suck it A-lah” on the internet even if it IS censored. =]

Ps. Does anyone else find that one new show with the Muslim kid living with a white family in the U.S. offensive?

Answer #21

I agree with mamkat. Prime-time is waaay more offensive than Kathy Grifin. And to amblessed, doesn’t the bible say “Judge not, that ye be not judged”? No I’m not religious, I am in fact Athiest, but am I going to Hell? I’d like to think so if it does exist, but you have no right to pass final opinion on anyone according to your God. =] And what she said was just a bit of religious humor that’s majorly common today. And what’s up with this “Suck it [insert either deity here]”? I think you’re being offensive by saying “Suck it Allah” on the internet. =] Ps. Does anyone else find that one new show with the Muslim kid living with a white family in the U.S. offensive?

Answer #22

Well, E! is probably trying to keep down problems by editing it out. It would cause too big of an uproar even though that is her own personal opinion.

Answer #23

Well that’s pretty ironic that “Fillet” started this question about censorship, and he/she censored what Griffin actually said! doh!

Answer #24

She has the right to her own opinions, and therefore the right to express them. Freedom of speech dude.

Answer #25

I give you props for admitting your ignorance.

Answer #26

I dont agree with censorship period everyone deserves the right to say whats on their mind even if some people find it offensive

Answer #27

You left out she said, “Su-k it Je–s’ - why is that? - extremely offensive !! - what if she had said ‘Su-k it A-lah” you’re saying there would be no outrage ? - where are the Rev, I say again, Rev Sharpton and the Rev Jackson ? What is the definition of ‘Blasphemy’ ? - It makes me sick that anyone would connect such a vile term with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - and you don’t think we’re living in the last days ?? - She and ALL will one day bow before Him at the judgement seat (even the Devil) of God - so you can laugh, scoff, make fun of, etc, it won’t be funny at all when you’re standing before Him - very, very, serious matter - again, look up the term Blasphemy - it might shed some light ! - the most baseless, classless , bottom of the barrell, and I might add DANGEROUS thing a person can do - it’ll be interesting to see who here puts their seal of approval on her actions - they mocked Him at the foot of the cross also ! - Blasphemy.

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