Should I worryy ...??

should I worry that I havnt started my period (im 14 btw) :S just wondering.. and is it possible to never start…?

Answer #1

you shouldt worry at all!! im 14 and I got mine when I was 11. but my sister got hers at almost 15. and her friends got theirs at 12 and 13. so everyone is different.

Answer #2

U usually start the same time as your mum or mom woteva. I think it is possible for periods to be delayed if your extremly skiingy/bulimic/anorexic ect. But I think theyre will eventually come even if you have these things x

Answer #3

you shouldn’t worry you didn’t start your period because everybody start there period different years I started mines mad young when I was 9 and I didn’t like it so you should be glade that your period is not on but when it does come on you aint going to like it…

Answer #4

if you havn’t been w anyone, no because it can run in your family of not starting on time I was a week late myself and skipping peirods run in my family so it could be that,but just talk to your mom and then maybe tha drs

Answer #5

You shouldn’t worry, it will come eventually. But you WILL get it, every girl does. Beth is right, eating disorders can stop a period due to your body not having enough fat (something like that). But a healthy girl will get it no matter what, it’s nature! Just enjoy the freedom, and you can always ask your mom when she started, daughters normally start around the same age their mom and even their grandmother!

Answer #6

Thanks to everyone for your help I feel betta now and less worrined xxx

Answer #7

sorry bout up top I got it confused w something eles

Answer #8

im 16 and I still haven’t gotten mine!! im actually wondering if its possible to never get it too!

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