I Worry ...a lot!!!

I tend to worryy a lot! For example rite now when my boyfriend doesnt call me even though I know he is at work I think somehtings wrong! And then I start thinking and thinking, I actually annoy myself with all the thinking I do that makes me worried! And I think what if this happend what if somehtings going to happen, It drives me insane! a lot of my family are “what-if thinkers”. I always was a worrier even when I was a little girl. Like when I was little and Id be over my aunt’s house and I wait for my mom to come pik me up and she wouldnt answer her phone I would think soemthing happened to her! Even though I knew in the back of my mind that she was out and probabaly couldnt hear the phone. Could someone give me some techiniques to calm me down?

Answer #1

I do the EXACT same thing! I over-think things. It’s so hard to get out of. But you just have to say to yourself “Those things are a possibility but I think I should just let them unfold and see what happens. B/c what is supposed to happened, whatever it may be, is supposed to happen for a reason.” Also think of the consequences. You over think a situation. Then you act on the situation, and the results may be hard.

Answer #2

Just know that everything will be ok, be patient, and try to keep your mind busy with other things. Hope it helps!

Answer #3

this may seem stupid but just find something to take your mind of it

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