Should I be jealous

Right I’ve been speaking to this guy for about three months now, constantly texting, online, and ringing each other. However he lives about two hours away and I’ve never met him. He somehow got me to have ‘phone sex’ with him and he always talks really passionate to me. I feel like he has real feelings for me but he was texting last night and wrote that ‘I need some rude cuddling, I’ve not has sex in a week’. Is it acceptable to be jealous? Should I be bothered? I mean we aren’t going out?

Answer #1

I guess it leaves you with two options, if you like him and think he wants it too, try and get closer , or if not, sod him. You’re a pretty girl, wont be hard for you to find a guy . Doesn’t sound like the status quo is a good idea for you though.

Answer #2

I haven’t said anything to him, I haven’t been off with him about it even though I did upset me.

I mean he can go out and have sex all he wants, since we aren’t going out but he doesn’t really need to tell me about when he does it? especially if he was texting me like a few hours before.

Thank you for answering xxx

Answer #3

I think it’s okay to be jealous because you have feelings for him, but you can’t really have a go at him or resent him because you’re not in a relationship. Unless he gave you the impression as to otherwise, the guy can do what he wants, to him the ‘relationship’ between the two of you looks to be about having fun and no ties. The guy sounds like a bit of a ‘player’ quite honestly, a week eh? Terribly long time! I guess it depends on what exactly he was saying to you. Whether he made it sound like you two had something special.

Answer #4

what do you mean by the status quo? haha xxx

Answer #5

I’ve never had sex before, I don’t have an STD

Answer #6

You know, like going on as normal! I reckon you should make a decision on him either way, then do something about it. But then again, what do I know? :)

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