Why are we arguing and jealous all the time?

ugh so tired of it. Every relationship. This one is so good though, but he gets so mad about such small things…but so do I…sex is GREAT…then…. we argue a lot…whats up!???

Answer #1

Dear wicked5ellem, People either argue to be right or happy…it seems you are arguing to be right. It takes two to argue doesn’t it. When one person says I’m not going to argue about this but says I want to hear out your side calmly and then you can hear out my side calmly…then in some cases you can agree to disagree. If you truly want this relationship to work you will work harder to make it work. Sue…good luck

Answer #2

ahh i posted this when i was drunk.

Answer #3

You’re jealous all the time, because you’re insecure and/or you don’t trust each other…

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