Answer #1

*[“Oh, so you’re ignorant AND delusional…not suprising…”]

*Not “suprising?” Oh, how ignorant! Not surprising.


Answer #2

*[“Wrong…and wrong again.

You should look up the definition of ‘pro-choice’ and the definition of ‘murder’…dare to learn…”]

*A rose by any other name should smell as sweet!


Answer #3

Wrong… and wrong again…

You should look up the definition of ‘pro-choice’ and the definition of ‘murder’ …dare to learn…

Answer #4

*[“What does pro-choice mean?”]

*It is a euphemism for “abortion” [I.e., MURDER of the INNOCENTS].


Answer #5

Funny how when a professed “christian” lies, they ALWAYS find a just explanation, or just ignore it all together. I guess that is the beauty of their belief. They can do/say what they want and it is forgiven.

Answer #6

are you ever going to actually address the fact that the bible does not support your particular views on the matter of abortion? or are you simply going to ignore it, just as you ignore everything that doesnt quite fit into your schema of things?

Answer #7

now im not arguing which is right or wrong when it comes to abortion, but… why does everyone make such a big deal out of it? I mean an abortion kills one baby. Wars kill thousands of people and no one makes such a fuss about a war

Answer #8

OR she can choose to TERMINATE the life of the fetus in her womb which is MURDER…

WRONG. You really need a dictionary.

Answer #9

you’re absolutely right, you shouldnt be devising and believing philosophies you created… atleast you’re self aware…

Answer #10

*[“tut tut tut…a human life.”]

*“Professing to be wise, they became fools” [Romans 1:22]…Man rationalizes his sin and proves his utter foolishness by devising and believing his own philosophies about God, the universe, and himself [Psalms 14:1;53:1].


Answer #11

“Okay let me rephrase then, Pro choice is the friendly happy word for killing babys. “

tseirpeht, you truly are an ignoramous.

Answer #12


All I can say is that people like you are seriously making me doubt the fact that I want to continue being a Christian. Why can’t you have a religion and an open mind? Bible bashers piss me off.

Answer #13

I agree Mandyloo, pro-choice is different to pro-abortion.

I think it’s simply put like this: If you don’t agree with abortion, that’s fine, don’t do it. What gives you the right to make that choice for every other woman?

Answer #14

Favoring or supporting the legal right of women and girls to choose whether or not to continue a pregnancy to term.

Answer #15

It means that the you think that a woman has the choice to do with her body what she feels right. It means that you think that a woman should be allowed to have an abortion if it is what she feels that she needs to in her situation.

Answer #16

It means you believe that women have the right to abort their babies, something along them lines.

Answer #17

*[“oh please. pro choice doesn’t have anything to do with killing babies…I think you are looking for a fight.”]

*I am not looking for a fight…only JUSTICE for the victims of EVIL people. EVIL people always rationalize their SINS away. You can explain away “pro choice” in any manner that you wish…but it is still INFANTICIDE…and INFANTICIDE is MURDER.

Any woman who reserves the right to have complete control of her body and it’s reproductive functions…and then willingly terminates the life of the fetus in her womb is a MURDERER.



Answer #18

I am not speaking about miscarriage avim, I am speaking about abortion, where a woman willingly gets rid of an fetus.It is not necessarily murder. Also I was speaking of where a woman gets raped and then gets pregnant and decides to abort. there is nothing wrong with that because it wasn’t her fault. jeez, learn to read.

If a woman gives birth prematurely, and the baby DIES, then the assailant is to be given the DEATH penalty - interesting that you should quote that, I thought that killing is against God’s will in any circumstances you know the whole eye for and eye thing, yet God doesn’t frown upon killing in these circumstances…hmmm. seems very contradicting to me.

This MURDER is punishable with the DEATH penalty. Once again God allows killing…

Answer #19


I don’t have a religion…I worship a PERSON [Jesus Christ of Nazareth]. Too, He is a very INTOLERANT and NARROW person.

First of all that is called religion. Secondly Jesus wasn’t narrowminded and intolerant in fact he only once got angry and forgave everyone who begged for forgiveness.

and thirdly let us clear this whole confusion about pro-choice up. The TERM pro-choice means that a woman can decide what to do with her body NOT when or how to abort, if a woman chose to keep a baby then that was also pro-choice so WHERE THE HELL DOES YOU THEORY OF MURDER FIT IN??? Also you are a man so shut the hell up about something you will never know about.

Answer #20

oh please. pro choice doesn’t have anything to do with killing babies. It means that a woman has a right to choose what she wants to do with her body. If she decides to have an abortion it is her choice because it is her body. Pro-abortion is something entirely different and I have never heard of anyone who is pro-abortion -it means someone who is for abortion.

Also tseirpeht you are male so I doubt that you would ever be in such a situation. I think you are looking for a fight.

Answer #21

They are right. Por-choise is about a woman doing as she wishes with her body. That’s fine however I disagree with abortion ( 1 of the few liberals that does). Abortion should only be an option if the gestation or birth could kill the mother. I know I’m going to get beaten for this and I don’t mean to offend anyone but that is my opinion. On the other hand I’m not a woman so ill never have to make that decision. Maybe I would feel different if I was in that positions

Answer #22

interesting how you completely forgot to address the fact that you lied about what the bible really said…

given that you’re telling people they’re going to hell for lying, are you practicing what you preach?

*You are a sinner and you will go to hell for your sins if you do not acknowledge that you are a sinner…REPENT of your sins…and accept God’s only provision for your salvation—>Jesus Christ as your SAVIOR and LORD.”

and obviously neither the bible nor the law supports your stance that abortion is murder…

Answer #23

*[“…Plus pro-choice has nothing to do with murder anyway.”]

*You are mistaken. God considers the loss of that life by another’s hands to be murder: “If men who are fighting hit a pregnant woman and she prematurely but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman’s husband demands and the court allows. But if there is serious injury, you are to take LIFE for LIFE, EYE for EYE, TOOTH for TOOTH, HAND for HAND, FOOT for FOOT, BURN for BURN, WOUND for WOUND, BRUISE for BRUISE” [Exodus 21:22-25].

(1)If a woman gives birth prematurely, but there is no injury (I.e., the baby lives without harm) then a fine results to compensate for the assaullt.. (2)If a woman gives birth prematurely, and the baby DIES, then the assailant is to be given the DEATH penalty. What God is saying here is that the value and worth of an adult man is equal to the value and worth of an UNBORN fetus who is young enough, or injured enough, to DIE. God equates the LOSS of an UNBORN baby as the LOSS of a LIFE, for He says, “you are to take LIFE for LIFE…” God considers the UNBORN baby ALIVE, and the LOSS of that LIFE is considered MURDER!! This MURDER is punishable with the DEATH penalty.

Exodus 21:23 demonstrates THREE truths: (1)The unborn’s LIFE is EQUIVALENT in VALUE to an adult’s LIFE in God’s sight. (2)This also outlines God’s Law against criminal FETICIDE. (3)The killing of the UNBORN is MURDER.


Answer #24

You misquoted the scripture, and you don’t understand it either… you also STILL don’t know what ‘murder’ means…

Stop trying to ‘modify’ the Bible to suit your personal opinions.

Answer #25

I’m still waiting for the parrot to actually say something in HIS OWN WORDS.

Answer #26

Pro-choice is not in favor of killing babies. No one is pro-abortion. They are pro-choice, there is a difference.

Answer #27

Avim: What makes you think you have the right to choose for everybody? Simply, you have no right to choose for anyone else, just like I wouldn’t.

And if we’re going to throw the bible in there, how about we throw in these tasty little tidbits:

~Exodus 21:15 states that any child who hits their parents is to be promptly killed. So if your little one throws a violent tantrum, God wants you to kill them.

~Leviticus 20:13 states God commands us to put homosexuals to death.

Wow, being such a good, bible following Christian and all that, I don’t know how you have time to be here, what, with all the killing and other atrocities you need to go and commit in God’s name.

Amazing how blurry the bible is on murder- they say it’s wrong (Thou shalt not kill), except in certain circumstances. To quote River Tam, “Your bible is broken”.

Answer #28

Avim, you are a male, you trying being raped and pregnant or something even worse and then you talk again. Jeez some people are ignorent. Plus pro-choice has nothing to do with murder anyway.

Answer #29

pro-choice is simpy someone who is in favour of people having choice and the government, agency or employers dictating what goes on. prochoice is more than just one topic, it is the petition of people enabling people having the RIGHT to choose, no matter WHAT the sunjectQ

Answer #30

“, the Scriptures INDICT them as MURDERS”

The scripture does not point out it is murder? it shows that if the fetus is killed, but no harm comes to the mother, than it’s simply a fine… as compared to harm coming to the mother, which then turns into an “eye for an eye”. obviously the bible does not put a great deal of value on a fetus… so… are you ever going to address that, or keep ignoring the question?

Answer #31

Good parrot… here’s a cracker…

Answer #32

Oh, so you’re ignorant AND delusional… not suprising…

Answer #33

tut tut tut what does your bible say about lying? (captain was too nice when he called it misquoting)

And if men struggle with each other and strike a woman with child so that she has a miscarriage, yet there is no further injury, he shall surely be fined as the woman’s husband may demand of him; and he shall pay as the judges decide. But if there is any [further] injury, then you shall appoint as a penalty life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise

So… if there is a miscarriage but the woman is not injured, then it really doesnt matter, interesting how you just happened to forget the word miscarriage… you just happened to quote the one passage in the bible that shows that a fetus is not comparable to a human life…

Answer #34

Real Christians [know], of a certainty, that it is the last time…

No they don’t… they don’t KNOW anything.

I don’t have a religion…I worship a PERSON [Jesus Christ of Nazareth]. Too, He is a very INTOLERANT and NARROW person.

He thinks Jesus was intolerant and narrow-minded… that’s hilarious. SOO intolerant and narrow-minded, that he was killed by OTHER intolerant and narrow-minded people. Thank you for proving your complete stupidity. Now let’s see how long you last.

BOTTOM-LINE: Christians are NARROW minded and INTOLERANT people who do NOT compromise their beliefs or follow the “world” [I.e., unbelievers] through the WIDE “gate” to DESTRUCTION.

Don’t assume that the Christian community agrees with you. TRANSLATION: You aren’t a Christian, you’re a deluded fanatic; shaping up to be an anarchistic theist. Fortunately, your way of thinking is slowly dying off from society.

Answer #35

*[“All I can say is that people like you are seriously making me doubt the fact that I want to continue being a Christian…”]

*People “like me” [I.e., those with orthodox biblical beliefs] use the Bible, as their AUTHORITY, to substantiate their claims because they believe it to be the very Word of God. People “like you” hold the Bible in low regard [or no regard at all] and, thus, are at odds with what people “like me” have to say.

I do not know whether you are a Christian or not [despite your claims that you are]…but I confess that I have my doubts. True Christians would take issue with your statements…which have no support in Scripture at all. Too, you show NO discernment on issues held by most real Christians.

Whether you wish to “continue being a Christian” is not for me to comment on…but Real Christians know, of a certainty, that it is the last time…and we know that antichrist shall come…even now there are many antichrists. Who are these antichrists?…they are those who go out from us [I.e., the True Christian community]. If they are real Christians they will stay…if they go they will manifest the fact that they never were one of us to begin with [1 John 2:18-19].

*[“…Why can’t you have a religion and an open mind?…”]

*I don’t have a religion…I worship a PERSON [Jesus Christ of Nazareth]. Too, He is a very INTOLERANT and NARROW person. For instance, He taught the following: “Enter ye in at the strait gate; for WIDE is the gate, and BROAD is the way, that leadeth to DESTRUCTION, and MANY there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and NARROW is the way, which leadeth unto LIFE, and FEW there be that find it” [Matthew 7:13-14].

BOTTOM-LINE: Christians are NARROW minded and INTOLERANT people who do NOT compromise their beliefs or follow the “world” [I.e., unbelievers] through the WIDE “gate” to DESTRUCTION.


Answer #36

*[“…Secondly Jesus wasn’t narrowminded and intolerant in fact he only once got angry and forgave everyone who begged for forgiveness…”]

*You are mistaken.

(A)He got angry MORE than ONCE: (1)Jesus overturns the money-changers table in the Temple…[John 2:15-16] (2)Jesus condemns the cities of Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum because they were where He did most of His mighty works and they repented not…[Matthew 11:20-24] (3)Jesus condemned the Pharisees and called them a generation of “vipers” in v.34 [Matthew 12:14-37] (4)Jesus gets angry with the disciples because they could not cure the lunatic child…[Matthew 17:15-21] (5)Jesus excoriates the Pharisees and calls them hypocrites, fools, blind guides, and whited sepulchres…[Matthew 23:2-36]. (6)Jesus told the Jews that their father was the devil…[John 8:44].

(B)Jesus was NARROW (I.e., His claims EXCLUDE the claims of ALL others) (1)Whoever believes on HIM will NOT perish…will have eternal life [John 3:16] (2)Jesus is God’s Son…and He sent Him to SAVE the world [John 3:17] (3)Jesus claims to be the Messiah [John 3:25-26]. (4)All judgment is committed unto the Son [John 5:22] (5)Jesus is the Bread of life [John 6:35] (6)Jesus will raise me on the last day unto eternal life because I believe and trust in Him [John 6:44] (70Jesus is the Light of the world [John 8:12] (8)Abraham rejoiced to see Jesus’ day and was glad [John 8:56] (9)Jesus is the DOOR to the sheepfold [John 10:1] (10)Jesus said that “all that ever came before me are thieves and robbers” [John 10:8] (11)Jesus is the God Shepherd [John 10:11] (12)Jesus is the Resurrection and the life [John 11:25] (13)The Father ALWAYS hears the Son [John 11:42] (14)Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life [John 14:6] (15)Jesus is the True Vine [John 15:1] [A PARTIAL list]

Jesus made claims for Himself that ONLY God could make for Himself…for He was God come in the flesh…and, as such, these claims are VALID and EXCLUSIVE (Narrow) only to Himself…for He declared: “all that ever came before me are thieves and robbers” [John 10:8].


*The term “pro choice” means MORE than just that a woman “can decide what to do with her body.” A woman can [according to the definition] choose to keep the baby…OR she can choose to TERMINATE the life of the fetus in her womb which is MURDER…it is her CHOICE according to the law [which is done 1.3 million times a year in the U.S.]. Pro Choice advocates object to the term “murder” because they know it is “murder” and are consumed with GUILT…and seek a way to assuage their guilt by denying that it is MURDER. However, the Scriptures INDICT them as MURDERS…and that’s the name of that tune.


Answer #37

*People “like me” [I.e., those with orthodox biblical beliefs] use the Bible, as their AUTHORITY, to substantiate their claims because they believe it to be the very Word of God.

No, people like you USE the Bible to justify their bigoted beliefs.

*I do not know whether you are a Christian or not [despite your claims that you are]…but I confess that I have my doubts.

So you are judge AND jury… Do you even need G-d? YOU seem to enjoy doing HIS work for him.

*Christians are NARROW minded and INTOLERANT people who do NOT compromise their beliefs or follow the “world” [I.e., unbelievers] through the WIDE “gate” to DESTRUCTION.

There are Christians who lead by example and offer a spiritual, loving witness to the world. Then there are CHRISTIANS who twist the words and teachings of Christ to support their NARROW-MINDED bigoted views and then try to ram THEIR idea of Christianity down the throats of others.

You, Avim, are no spiritual witness.

And in the world of WWJD? He would NOT behave in a manner such as you.

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