
Im constantly paranoid that my boyfriend is cheating on me even though I know he’s not. I hate it when he’s around other girls and I always get jealous when he talks to others girls and not me. I know im acting totally ridiculous, how can I stop??? I know if I dont stop I could lose him.

Answer #1

I know how you feel. my boyfriend and I have been together for over two years and he has proved to be nothing but the most loyalest amazing guy ever. but I still get trust issues. when I see him commenting other pretty girls on myspace, or like I see him give em a hug or whatever, my stomach fires up! I cant help it!! I mean hes so trustworthy yet I still have this trust issue. what it comes down to I think is that we are insicure with ourselves(you and I)

I should be listenin to myself, but if your guy has never gave you a reason not to trust him, then why arent you? you two love each other right? and im sure hes just friends with them. if you keep hamering him about your suspicions and what not you will end up pushing him away. not all guys are bad ya know=)


Answer #2

Heyy =] Dont worry its normal to be jealous of girls talkiin to your boyfriend im not quike sure about always thiinkin his cheatiin on yuu BUT … I thiink just need to talk to him ?? and tell him how yuu feel anyways LOveYuu Xxx Rachiie

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