over dun txting

Over done texting…? well I have this small issuse with texting. you see my parents can get a little out of hand and they wanna know everything about me so they can get in my bussness a lot of times so its a possibility for them to check my messages online and I really dont want them to because I have said some things I know they wouldnt agree with and it scares me because I would get in way too much touble when they find those txt. but they havent yet and I hope they never do and I keep thinking about it over and over again and omg I cant get it out of my head which makes me mad sometimes and them my attitude can get bad when im mad so they get more conserned and my mom asked me if something happened over txt and I said no. I know that she wants to know who and what im txting but she hasnt looked at them yet and once again I dont want her to. I cant help but have an attitude and ugh I just dont have any ideas to do, this is destroying me big time and I need some advise…got any?

Answer #1

OK, first off yes they can call your cell phone company and request your text message transcripts. Secondly, you can help your attitude, make a promise not to text or post thing online even when you are angry.

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